Compare Version 0.16.0 and 0.21.0

What’s New

What’s Deprecated

What’s Changed

GET /healthcheck Health Check Request

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

GET /events Retrieves a list of events

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

GET /events/{event_id} Retrieves a specific event.

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

Return Type

Modify event.price_levels //list of price categories
Modify event.price_types //list of price types
Modify event.face_value_prices //list of prices
Modify status //Event status (no letter casing)

GET /events/{event_id}/availability Retrieves the availability of an event.

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

GET /manifests/{manifest_id} Retrieves a specific manifest.

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

POST /bookings Inventory Request

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction
Modify request.channel_info.channel_type //Sale channel type (no letter casing)

DELETE /bookings/{inventory_token} Inventory Release

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

POST /orders Order Request (Inventory Commit)

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction
Insert request.order_info.tickets_amount //Total order amount excluding all fees only face value (Minor currency units ex. 2000 = 20EUR)
Insert request.order_info.tickets_quantity //Inventory tickets quantity
Delete request.order_info.order_total_amount //Ticketmaster total order amount (Minor currency units ex. 2000 = 20EUR)
Delete request.order_info.inventory_tickets_amount //Total tickets amount, excluding all fees (only face value)
Modify request.payment_info.payment_method_type //Payment method identifier (no letter casing)
    "NO" - No Payment
    "CASH" - Cash
    "CARD" - Payment Card
    "OTHERS" - Others payment method

Modify request.delivery_info.delivery_method_type //Delivery method identifier (no letter casing)
    "DS" - Delivery service 
    "PH" - Print at home
    "PU" - Pick-up
    "NO" - No pickup

GET /orders Retrieves an Order list

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

POST /orders/{inventory_order} Order Print, Order Print Rollback or Order Cancel

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction
Modify request.channel_info.channel_type //Sale channel type (no letter casing)
Modify request.action //Action to update an order (no letter casing).
    * "PRINT" - to set the status of the tickets to printed.
    * "ROLLBACK_PRINT" - to reset the status to printable (for printing problems)
    * "CANCEL" - to cancel the order

Return Type

Modify action //Action echoed.
"PRINT" - to set the status of the tickets to printed.
"ROLLBACK_PRINT" - to reset the status to printable (for printing problems)
"CANCEL" - to cancel the order

GET /orders/{inventory_order} Order Status

Add X-Correlation-Id //Unique identifier value that is attached to requests that allow reference to a particular transaction

Compare Version 0.21.0 and 0.23.0

What’s New

GET /logos/{logo_id} Retrieves a specific logo.

What’s Deprecated

What’s Changed

GET /events/{event_id} Retrieves a specific event.
Return Type

Insert event.ticket_texts
Insert event.logos //list of event logos. At the moment it only supports up to 2 logos per event.
Modify event.organization_info
Modify event.genre_info
Modify event.date_time_properties
Modify event.visibility
Modify event.doors_date_time_properties
Modify event.price_levels //list of price categories
Modify event.price_types //list of price types
Modify event.face_value_prices //list of prices

GET /manifests/{manifest_id} Retrieves a specific manifest.
Return Type

Modify sections
Modify levels
Modify price_levels

POST /bookings Inventory Request

Modify request.language //ISO language and country codes (Example "es-es"). Language for some request parameters. Language cannot change once inventory is locked.

POST /orders Order Request (Inventory Commit)

Modify request.payment_info.payment_method_type //Payment method identifier (no letter casing)
    "NO"     - No Payment
    "CASH"   - Cash
    "CARD"   - Payment Card
    "OTHERS" - Others payment method
    "UN"     - Without information (undefined)

Modify request.delivery_info.delivery_method_type //Delivery method identifier (no letter casing)
    "DS" - Delivery service 
    "PH" - Print at home
    "PU" - Pick-up
    "NO" - No pickup
    "UN" - Without information (undefined)

Return Type

Modify tickets

POST /orders/{inventory_order} Order Print, Order Print Rollback or Order Cancel

Modify request.language //ISO language and country codes (Example "es-es"). Language for some request parameters.

Return Type

Modify tickets

GET /orders/{inventory_order} Order Status
Return Type

Modify tickets

Compare Version 0.23.0 and 0.24.0

What’s New

  • GET /tax-plans/{tax_plan_id} Retrieves a specific tax plan.

What’s Deprecated

What’s Changed

GET /events/{event_id} Retrieves a specific event.
Return Type

Insert event.price_components //list of price components
Modify event.logos //list of event logos.
At the moment it only supports up to 2 logos per event.