Presence SDK

We will not be releasing additional versions of the Presence SDK (PSDK). The documentation will remain available for anyone using the PSDK. We encourage all users to migrate to Ignite, our latest SDK platform with brand new features and capabilities. Please refer Ignite for more information.


iOS Presence SDK Download:

Manual Install:

Download Presence SDK 2.23.2 iOS - Swift 5.9.0

CocoaPods (Swift 5.9.0):

pod 'TM-PSDK', '~> 5.9.0-2.23.2'

iOS Presence SDK Documentation:

Download Quick Start Guide (NEW!)

Download Presence Demo App Integration Source Code

Download Presence SDK 2.7.0+ Migration Guide

iOS Purchase SDK Download:

Download Purchase SDK 0.12.1 iOS

iOS Purchase SDK Documentation:

Download Quick Start Guide (NEW!)

Download Purchase SDK Sample App Integration Source Code

Download Purchase SDK 0.3.6+ Migration Guide

Android SDK Download:

Manual Install:

Manual installs using aar’s are not available after version 2.16, please use gradle (see below).


implementation com.ticketmaster.presence:presence:2.22.6
implementation com.ticketmaster.presence:secure-entry:1.2.9

Android Presence SDK Documentation

Download Demo App Integration Source Code

Sample App

The Sample App empowers clients and integrators to easily demo the newest version of the Presence SDK on their Mobile Phones.

Check out new features, understand expected functionality, and even experiment with color schemes to customize the SDK for your particular app: no developer resources required!

What You Need

  1. You will need an Api Key (Consumer Key) unique to your mobile app
  1. Presence SDK 2.23.0+ uses Swift 5.9, and the .xcframework format, requiring Xcode 15.0.1+
  • Note that Xcode 15.0 requires Mac OS Ventura, so you may have to update your development machines accordingly
  1. If you are also integrating the Ticketmaster Purchase SDK, make sure you also update that library to the latest version as well.
  • In particular Presence SDK and Purchase SDK shared a framework called TicketmasterFoundation
  • The version number of this TicketmasterFoundation.xcframework should match between the latest Presence SDK and Purchase SDK

Release Notes Version 2.23.2

  • Fixed SecureEntry Apple .xcprivacy file

Important 2.20.0 notice:

  • has been renamed to PresenceMember.localId
  • New field PresenceMember.globalId
  • Xcode 14.3 is now required for new Wallet Security Enhancement functionality
  • Xcode 14.3 requires Mac OS Ventura, so you may have to update your development machines accordingly

Important 2.18.0 notice:

  • Added two NEW delegate methods to PresenceOrderDelegate:
/// Method is invoked when the list of events is presented
@objc optional func didPresentEventList()
/// Method is invoked when the list of tickets for a particular event ID is presented
@objc optional func didPresentTicketList()
These methods should only be called ONCE per viewing by the user.
If the user backs out of the given page and returns, only then is the delegate method called again.
  • added new branding override method:
/// Method to override normal branding colors with Ticketmaster blue on certain buttons (Login, Transfer, Sell, Orders, Modules)
  • added Action BarButton to most Presence Pages. Renamed method from:
func handleBarButtonAction(page: PSDK.PresencePage, buttonTitle: String, eventOrders: PresenceEventOrders?)


func handleBarButtonAction(page: PSDK.PresencePage, screenTitleName: String?, eventOrders: PresenceEventOrders?)
  • miscellaneous Fixes for UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand

Important 2.15.0 notice:

Venue concessions (such as VenueNext) now use ModuleDelegate interface instead of VenueDelegate.

  • For more information, see a working example in the iOS Demo Integration code. see: PresenceManager+ModuleDelegate.swift

Event/Order/Ticket information is now returned in the OrderDelegate, so the following methods have been modified:

  • didUpdateOrderedEvents() is now didUpdateEvents(eventOrdersArray: [PresenceEventOrders])
  • didUpdateTickets(eventId: String) is now didUpdateTickets(eventOrders: PresenceEventOrders)

Important 2.11.0 notice:

Frameworks have been updated to XCFrameworks:

  • PresenceSDK.xcframework
  • TicketmasterSecureEntry.xcframework
  • TicketmasterFoundation.xcframework

This means you will need to remove all the old .framework files and replace them with the new .xcframework files A Quick Start Guide is available if you need help.

Requirements for using Swift 5.9.0 build

  • Note that Presence SDK 2.10.0 was the last version that supported Xcode 12 and used the fat binary .framework format

Important 2.7.0 notice:

Certain values have been renamed (since we have unified PSDK objects into PSDK namespace)

  • This means if you previously used any of these objects (2.5.0 or earlier), you will now see compiler errors
  • It should only take you 5-10 minutes to update these names. Follow this simple Migration Guide.

What’s New?

All Ticketmaster Frameworks have been updated to XCFrameworks:

  • PresenceSDK.xcframework
  • TicketmasterSecureEntry.xcframework
  • TicketmasterFoundation.xcframework

This means you will need to remove all the old .framework files and replace them with the new .xcframework files A Quick Start Guide is available if you need help.

PSDK now supports additional, optional configuration parameters:

consumerKey: String, // the Consumer Key associated with your App on
hostEnvironment: HostEnvironment = .US, // optional, Account and Ticket source backend server stack
sdkEnvironment: SDKEnvironment = .Production, // optional, Production or other test build environments
displayName: String? = nil, // optional, Team/App name that will be displayed on the login page in the SDK
useNewAccountsManager: Bool = true, // optional, use new Team AccountsManager webpage: true (, false (
disableModernAccounts: Bool = false, // optional, manually disable ModernAccounts login
quickLogin: Bool = true, // optional, use the new, quick login screen (ModernAccounts only)
autoLogin: Bool = true // optional, automatically present login prompt (quickLogin only, ModernAccounts only)

Configuration Example:

PSDK.shared.setConfig(consumerKey: "AbCdEfG1234567890", displayName: "My App")

To integrate Presence sdk in your application, you will need the following aar file: PresenceSDK-prod-release-2.22.6.aar

  • Presence SDK Version 1.22.x and higher requires Android X and is no longer compatible with older Android Support Libraries

Supported API levels

  • API level 21 ~ 31

  • Our Dependencies list has changed. Please refer to Step 3 in the integration guide below.

Release Notes Version 2.22.6

  • 3PA Orders/Barcodes support

Important 2.20.0 notice:

  • has been renamed to MemberInfo.localId
  • New field MemberInfo.globalId

Important 2.15.0 notice:

Event/Order/Ticket information is now returned in the interface PresenceOrderDelegate, now you can implement this two functions:

  • fun didUpdateEvents(eventOrdersArray: List)
  • fun didUpdateTickets(eventOrders: PresenceEventOrders

Now the interface PresenceModuleDelegate for the custom views now returns an callback when the user press any button, now you can implement this function to receive this callback:

  • fun userDidPressActionButton(buttonTitle: String?, callbackValue: String?, eventOrders: PresenceEventOrders?)


  • Presence SDK Version 1.22.x and higher requires Android X and is no longer compatible with older Android Support Libraries.
  • Supported API level 21 ~ 31.
  • SDK now requests android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • com.ticketmaster.presence:secure-entry library updated to 1.2.9
  • androidx.activity:activity-ktx library updated to 1.3.1
  • androidx.fragment:fragment library updated to 1.3.6
  • Only Portrait Orientation Supported.
  • Offline Ticket Mode, which allows fans to access their tickets without a network connection, also requires that the app be accessible offline.



Important 2.5.0 notice:

Since JCenter has been deprecated you might see this error while compiling: Caused by: org.gradle.internal.resolve.ModuleVersionNotFoundException: Could not find com.ticketmaster.presence:secure-entry:1.2.2. To solve this issue please download the latest Android Presence SDK zip, which now contains this missing aar file. Then manually the secure-entry sdk 1.2.9 to gradle.

What’s New?

Reference and Integration Guides

Here you can learn how to integrate the Presence SDK into your application. In addition, you will find a reference guide for methods to customize your integration, analytics, and release information for when your app is ready to be publish to the Apple App or Google Play store.

iOS Presence SDK Reference and Integration Guide

iOS Presence SDK Reference and Integration Guide

Integrating the Presence SDK into your iOS app is fast and simple.

Learn more
Android Presence SDK Reference and Integration Guide

Android Presence SDK Reference and Integration Guide

Integrating the Presence SDK into your Android app is fast and simple.

Learn more
ReactNative Presence SDK Reference and Integration Guide

React Native Presence SDK Reference and Integration Guide

Integrating the Presence SDK into your React Native app using native modules.

Learn more

Change log

Changes (6/21/2024 Release 2.23.2)

  • Fixed SecureEntry Apple .xcprivacy file

Changes (6/11/2024 Release 2.23.1)

  • Fixed ICCP cached tickets issue

Changes (5/1/2024 Release 2.23.0)

  • Added Apple Privacy Manifest

Changes (3/22/2024 Release 2.22.7)

  • 3PA Orders/Barcodes support

Changes (1/31/2024 Release 2.22.6)

  • Fixed Host UK + Archtics issue

Changes (1/24/2024 Release 2.22.5)

  • Fixed multi-day timezone issue

Changes (1/5/2024 Release 2.22.4)

  • Fixed AU/NZ Host Transfer to use webview, when Archtics is also enabled

Changes (12/15/2023 Release 2.22.3)

  • Enabling Cancel Transfer for Archtics AU/NZ marketplace

Changes (8/21/2023 Release 2.22.2)

  • Fixed Terms and Condition pop up issue which prevents user from moving forward.

Changes (8/11/2023 Release 2.22.1)

  • Fixed overly bright background image on barcode page
  • Fixed date ranges displaying with timezone

Changes (7/31/2023 Release 2.22.0)

  • Support for Edit and Cancel posting via NAM Webviews
  • Fixed sorting order of Primary and Upsell tickets
  • Support for a new custom module for MLS
  • Fixed an issue related to Add to Wallet not adding all passes.
  • Updated Ticket UI to handle GA tickets.
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes(support for French in web views, incorrect error handling for SportsXR)

Changes (5/8/2023 Release 2.21.0)

  • TM and LN app Ticket colorization improvements
  • Removed Voucher tab from Non-Safetix tickets
  • Updated ordering of ticket cards based on relevance
  • Fixed an issue related to ticket count not matching with actual rendered tickets
  • Fixed Resale flow for Parking events (NFL)
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes (Barcode animation, purchase price etc)

Changes (4/7/2023 Release 2.20.0)

  • Added support for Wallet Security Enhancement
  • Added support for Seat Upgrades and More Ticket Actions to Archtics tickets
  • Updated ticket ordering under My Tickets so most relevant tickets are displayed first
  • Enabled Transfer when tickets are transfer eligible (Mexico Host Only)
  • Fixed Transfer and Sell not working for Archtics Linked Accounts
  • ModernAccounts migration error page (for user upgrading from PSDK 2.15 or older)

Changes (3/8/2023 Release 2.19.0)

  • Transfer and Sell buttons linking via Webviews for all Archtics Clients
  • Support for Ticket Colorization for LN and Ticketmaster App
  • New animation around QR Codes
  • Correct Upsell Event for all marketplaces
  • Improvements and bug fixes for Archtics and HOST (UK/IE/AU/NZ/Mexico and US/CA)
  • Fixed AU/NZ Archtics Transfer button missing

Changes (2/1/2023 Release 2.18.0)

  • added two NEW delegate methods to PresenceOrderDelegate
  • added new branding override method
  • added Action BarButton to most Presence Pages. Renamed method from
  • miscellaneous Fixes for UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand

Changes (12/16/2022 Release 2.17.0)

  • Added option for MFA before Apple Wallet
  • Added AU/NZ Manage Tickets Webview
  • Better “Session Expired” instructions for user
  • Small bug fixes

Changes (11/17/2022 Release 2.16.1)

  • UK/IE Transfer / Sell / Order buttons
  • UK/IE Bug Fixes

Changes (11/07/2022 Release 2.16.0)

  • New ModernAccounts Team/Host Sign-In Logic
  • UK/IE Bug Fixes
  • Archtics Supress Seat Labels Support
  • French and Spanish Translation Fixes

Changes (10/05/2022 Release 2.15.1)

  • Major improvements for UK Host tickets
  • Added Custom Module interface (Module delegate)
  • Added VenueMap, VenueConcessions, and Account Manager SeatUpgrades pre-built modules
  • Removed VenueConcessions delegate (now uses Module delegate)
  • Event/Order/Ticket information is now returned in Order delegate
  • Host US Posting flow now uses webpage
  • Removed Averta font
  • Reduced install size by optimizing resources

Changes (09/02/2022 Release 2.14.0)

  • QuickLogin page UI now supports Host, AccountManager, and SportXR logins
  • Improved French/Spanish translations

Changes (08/19/2022 Release 2.13.2)

  • New! Basic support for Host UK/IE Tickets, including Transfer/Resale
  • Improved French/Spanish translations
  • Fixed: Even/Odd Venue Seats are now handled correctly in Transfer/Resale
  • Fixed: Blank screen if user has no purchased Events

Changes (07/18/2022 Release 2.12.2)

  • New! In-App Transfers (Account Manager accounts only)
  • Added/Improved French translations
  • Fixed: AU/NZ Tickets have Incorrect Payment Message and Edit/Cancel buttons were visible
  • Misc Bug fixes

Changes (06/09/2022 Release 2.11.0)

  • New! XCFramework format, includes support for arm64, i386, Mac Catalyst
  • New! PresenceViewController for easier integration compared to PresenceView
  • New! PresenceOAuthProvider matches PurchaseOAuthDelegate for easier integration of Purchase and Presence SDKs
  • Support for Ticketmaster Mexico (Host only)
  • All regions now use SecureTickets call (US, CA, AU, NZ, UK, IE, MX)
  • Host/Team Member ids and emails are no longer masked (reverted changes from 2.2.0)
  • Optimized OAuth Token refresh handling
  • Fixed crash in ModernAccountsRefresh DataTask
  • Renamed Presence framework to less confusing TicketmasterSecureEntry framework
  • Deprecated PresenceSDKView, now called PresenceView
  • Removed Resale SDK

Changes (03/28/2022 Release 2.10.0)

  • Added Spanish language support
  • Added new fields to Ticket Barcode page (UK Host & Sport XR)
  • Fix for rotating barcode loading animation
  • Fix for missing text labels on Modern Accounts Login pages

Changes (02/22/2022 Release 2.9.0)

  • Added a refresh button to the secure entry tickets in case the view to gets out of sync state
  • French translations to the text that were displayed in English for french users
  • Added Purchase Date info to Ticket Details

Changes (01/24/2022 Release 2.8.1)

  • Fixed 3PE order deliver dates beyond Event date
  • SportXR Arsenal Support

Changes (01/10/2022 Release 2.7.1)

  • Ticketmaster UK/IE Host Support (Identity and ModernAccounts Logins)
  • Fixed AU/NZ Federated Create Account page
  • Fixed crashes related to updating Ticket state (for example: via Transfer or Resale operations)
  • Fixed status bar issue on iOS 15
  • Most calls to PSDK will now be deferred until the Configuration operation is completed.
  • It is still recommended to use PSDK.shared.checkConfig() first before making any operational calls to PSDK
  • New calls to Login or Refresh will now abort any currently running calls
  • Add new text for 1099k tax requirement for Resale
  • Improved class and method documentation in Xcode for PSDK class
  • Optional delegates may now be assigned directly on PSDK class
  • Errors from PSDK are now consistant and publicly available
  • Unified PSDK objects into PSDK namespace This means if you previously used any of these objects (2.5.0 or earlier), you will now see compiler errors It should only take you 5-10 minutes to update these names. Follow this simple migration guide.

Changes (10/11/2021 Release 2.5.0)

  • Tickets page can now scroll vertically in order to view additional modules (like upsell)
  • Added Venue Concessions upsell module (see PresenceVenueDelegate)
  • Added Help/Action bar button on Tickets page (see PresenceOrderDelegate)
  • Tickets page now presents as fullScreen in iOS 14+
  • Fixed issues when compiling with Xcode 13

Changes (08/17/2021 Release 2.3.1)

  • Added presentLoginUI option to getAccessToken (to fetch OAuth tokens without triggering login)
  • Fixed Refresh token issue while using Quick Login
  • Fixed Archtics Cancel Transfer issue
  • Fixed crash with missing localization file

Changes (07/30/2021 Release 2.2.2)

  • Fixed Host tickets not displaying while using Quick Login

Changes (06/25/2021 Release 2.2.1)

  • Fixed Order displaying incorrectly with only some tickets transferred

Changes (06/09/2021 Release 2.2.0)

  • QuickLogin (and AutoLogin) functionality (aka. Consolidated Sign-In)
  • Member ID masking (aka. Clear Text Removal)

Changes (03/15/2021 Release 2.1.0)

  • Support for Health Check enabled events
  • Remove Experience SDK

Changes (02/02/2021 Release 2.0.0)

  • Accessibility Improvements
  • Improved versioning for all future releases
  • 1.x.x - Major - Required as soon as possible - Possible Integration Changes - Many New Features, New UI (Modern Accounts, SafeTix, Accessibility, New Year)
  • x.1.x - Minor - Encouraged as soon as possible - Backwards Compatible Changes - One Major New Feature, Collection of Bug Fixes
  • x.x.1 - Patch - Optional as time allows - Background Improvements - Small Bug Fixes, Technical Maintenance

Changes (09/30/2020 Release 1.29.0)

  • Fan messaging encouraging safety added to the resale and transfer flows
  • Tickets to events with yet to be announced times (TBA) now correctly display only the date
  • Additional performance improvements and bug fixes

Changes (08/31/2020 Release 1.28.0)

  • Swift ABI stability - PSDK will work with any version of Xcode moving forward
  • Update Experience SDK to 9.3.0
  • UI improvements for multi-factor authentication
  • Public PresenceSDK class is renamed to PSDK

Changes (08/03/2020 Release 1.27.0)

  • Update spelling of ‘cancelled’ for AU/NZ events
  • Put a check in to disallow the forwarding of a ticket to the same email address that current owns the ticket
  • Fixed deep-linking issue when using modern accounts

Changes (06/18/2020 Release 1.26.0)

  • Modern Accounts support for Host and Archtics.
  • Includes new fan facing login selection screen. See integration guide for screenshots.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication enforcement for transfer and resale workflows (for Ticketmaster accounts).
  • Updated resale flow “posting” terminology to read as “listing”.

Changes (06/04/2020 Release 1.25.1)

  • Remove usage of IDFA.

Changes (05/13/2020 Release 1.25.0)

  • Update to support building with Xcode 11.4.1/Swift 5.2.2.
  • Fix memory leak when using WKUserContentController.
  • Fix set listing price error being truncated in some cases.
  • Update public PresenceSDK.logout method signature for Objective-C compatibility with optional completion handler.
  • Fix typo in code annotation of PresenceSDK.getMemberInfo(backendName:completion:).
  • Postponed event banner color has changed from red to yellow.

Changes (04/14/2020 Release 1.24.0)

  • Additional support for third-party resale tickets, including specific instructions on how to view your ticket, based on the original ticket provider.
  • Added log out completion handlers for logOut, logOutHost and logOutTeam methods. These allow handling of potential errors in the future.
  • Includes series of improvements and bug fixes.

Changes (03/23/2020 Release 1.23.0)

  • Supported Xcode versions are now Xcode 11.2/ Swift 5.1.2 and Xcode 11.3/ Swift 5.1.3.
  • Version 1.23.0 drops support for Xcode 11.1/ Swift 5.1.0.
  • Resale Payout terms updated to specify deposit may occur up to 7 days after the event.
  • Removed all usage of Apple’s deprecated UIWebView.
  • Experience SDK updated to v9.2.2.
  • Added support for displaying price code information on ticket details screens.
  • Added support for displaying the time override text for an event.
  • Includes series of improvements and bug fixes.

Changes (02/13/2020 Release 1.22.0)

  • Added new setBrandingColors method for setting branding colors.
  • Including series of backend and bug improvements.

Changes (01/07/2020 Release 1.20.1)

  • Fix for Safetix scanning issue.

Changes(12/06/2019 Release 1.20.0)

  • Updated Copy for transfer tool tip when viewing a ticket to read “Going with Friends? Transfer their tickets now.”
  • Added CCPA flag to notify integrators when users have opted out of privacy via the PresenceMember.doNotSellFlag.
    • Note that an accurate value is only supported for Host currently.
  • Support for additional relevant text on Will Call tickets for pick up guidance, and for AU/NZ section name details
  • Updated navigation bars to utilize Averta as the default font

Changes(11/04/2019 Release 1.19.0)

  • This will be the last version that supports 4.2.1 so please make sure to upgrade.
  • Improved Jump To Order functionality. Methods that jump to specific events or orders will now attempt to invalidate server caches in an attempt to retrieve new inventory more reliably.
  • Added a PresenceDeeplinkController class to help simplify supporting deep linking between Experience and Presence SDKs.
  • Now uses correct listing price for resale listings.
  • Improvements to accessibility for ticket, transfer and sell views.
  • If the “Update Your Clock” dialog needs to be presented it will only present for SafeTix tickets.
  • Removed ability to toggle QR code for SafeTix tickets.
  • Added an “Add to Wallet” value proposition to encourage users to use the functionality.
  • Improved French translations for ticket details view.
  • Removed color customization options for SafeTix barcodes.
  • Barcode screen title bar now includes event and venue name.
  • Updated Experience SDK to v9.0.0

Changes(08/26/2019 Release 1.18.4)

  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Improved handling of user language settings.
  • Improved handling of time sync for SafeTix entry.
  • Fixed some French translation issue.

Changes(07/10/2019 Release 1.18.2)

  • French localization enhancements
  • Enhancement for login via purchaseSDK
  • Minor UI enhancements

Changes(07/02/2019 Release 1.18.0)

  • Support for Swift 5
  • Updated Experience SDK v8.0, including button layout changes for AU locale apps
  • New look and feel for tickets, including Added Value vouchers
  • Enhanced access to reporting available via analytics events (must be requested through your integrator)
  • UPS ticket updates
  • Improved error handling for Archtics refresh tokens
  • Auto Brightness on the barcode screen
  • A series of backend and bug improvements
  • Content descriptions added to views on the barcode screen for accessibility

Changes(06/07/2019 Release 1.17.0)

  • Resolved a namespace conflict with the removeAll method on MutableCollection that could cause build errors.
  • Updated SafeTix to remove toggle button for switching to QR Code from PDF417, now the barcode itself is the toggle button
  • Updated SafeTix barcode display to inform user that screenshots are not valid for entry into event
  • Added alert to user when a screenshot is taken that screenshots are not accepted for SafeTix entry.
  • Added client-side analytics events for when screenshot is taken of a SafeTix barcode.
  • Removed Full Screen Education Guide for SafeTix
  • Updated Resale flow to allow user to set listing price per ticket instead of payout price per ticket.
  • Added support for UPS Delivery ticket details
  • Updated Experience SDK to v7.3.0.
  • Added support for ParkWhiz tickets to open links in a secure browser

Changes(05/03/2019 Release 1.16.0)

  • Support for additional third party event tickets, including detailed guidance for fans to access their tickets.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent dismissal of success page when resetting passwords.
  • Fixed an occasional Secure Entry rendering issue on some iPhone X devices.
  • Properly respect teams’ venue and attraction ID filters.

Changes(03/29/2019 Release 1.15.0)

  • End users can now create a resale seller profile for Archtics accounts.
  • Improvements to Secure Ticket rendering for optimal fan experience during ingress.
  • Resale General Admission seat selection restrictions have been lifted to allow for more flexible seat groupings.
  • Eliminated duplicate network requests to get member details, introduced in v1.13.

Changes(03/01/2019 Release 1.14.2)

  • Must include new presence.framework file in order to allow for app store submission. Please see step 1 in the integration guide for more information.
  • Remove Framework Search Path command from 1.14.1.

Changes(02/27/2019 Release 1.14.1)

  • Under the Projects Build Settings: Framework Search Paths section add “$(PROJECT_DIR)/{path to framework folder}/PresenceSDK.framework/Frameworks”. See step 1 in the integration guide for more information.
  • Support for Secure Entry, including:
  • Rotating PDF-417 symbology
  • First-Time Fan Experience
  • Dual Login modular options for a consistent HOST and ARCHTICS experience
  • Additional enhancements for AU market (ticket details)

Changes(02/26/2019 Release 1.14.0)

  • Support for Secure Entry, including:
  • Rotating PDF-417 symbology
  • First-Time Fan Experience
  • Dual Login modular options for a consistent HOST and ARCHTICS experience
  • Additional enhancements for AU market (ticket details)
  • Note: Apple ‘Add to Wallet’ option not available for Secure Entry

Changes(02/08/2019 Release 1.13.1)

  • Respect rules set by Archtics memberInfo, in regards to transfer and resale permissions.
  • Renamed “Send” to “Transfer” throughout the SDK.
  • For AU clients, renamed “Transfer” to “Forward” throughout the SDK.
  • Host only and Archtics only login flows now share the same updated visual UI.
  • Validation for terms of service updates on each sdk load.

Changes(01/24/2019 Release 1.12.2)

  • Fixed an issue related to legacy account login.

Changes(12/17/2018 Release 1.12.1)

  • iOS 11 and up now supported (up from iOS 10.0)
  • Updated variable names for things like user ‘email’. You will see warnings / errors when first loading up the new SDK.
  • Updated a few methods as well like “loginWindowDidDisplay” became “onLoginWindowDidDisplay(backendName: )” Xcode will tell you the new values and will make the change very painless.
  • Cleaned up the back of the ticket information page.
  • Removed Lottie 3rd party library from SDK.
  • Posting resale tickets for Ticketmaster events now displays the correct values.
  • Added ability to use optional completion handler for login functions.
  • Integrators can now choose between Create Account or Forgot Password to match their NAM settings as only one can be supported at a time.
  • Updated font to Averta away from system font.
  • Fixed an issue where if a user had a space in any of the transfer flow, the ticket would fail to send.
  • Removed iPad as supported device type for Sample app, as it was never supposed to be supported. Presence SDK is strictly an iPhone SDK.

Changes(10/31/2018 Release 1.11.0)

  • Custom icon configuration with brandLogo image URL support for Link Account Screen and Drop-Down Menu.
  • Recipient Name added on Transferred (Pending and Claimed) Ticket Cards.
  • Added the ability to view the price at which a ticket was resold at.
  • Fixed bug which prevented postings with Canadian currency.
  • Fixed bug which prevented transfers with names containing leading or trailing whitespace.
  • Fixed bug which incorrectly allowed splits when editing a posting that did not allow splits.
  • Fixed bug which added a blue background on the barcode screen.
  • Microphone and Bluetooth Permissions removed.

Changes(10/03/2018 Release 1.10.0)

  • Xcode 10 / Swift 4.2 / iOS 12 Support
  • New default branding colors.
  • Launch Login with Team ONLY configuration for custom Archtics only flows. (see integration document)

Changes(8/29/2018 Release 1.9.0)

  • Account switching - If the signed in Archtics account is linked to other accounts, all related accounts will be shown in SDK.
  • Fixed an issue where integrators were not able to present the PresenceSDKView modally in certain cases.
  • Added new notification methods for highly requested actions. Please see Analytics section in implementation file.
  • Changed how our notifications work for onLoginSuccessful. You will now get a response for both Team and TM login separately. This brings this in line with how Android has been working.
  • Fixed an issue in the transfer and resale flows where the send button would become the incorrect branding color.
  • Fixed an issue where GA seat numbers were being displayed in the transfer flow.
  • Added @objc to some methods to reduce warnings for non Swift 4 projects.

Changes(7/27/2018 Release 1.8.0)

  • New Email Flow to capture recipient information.
  • The round, floating action contact from previous versions has now been added into a new view shown at the top of the events list page.
  • Add to Wallet changes including:
  • Wallet button loads faster.
  • Bulk add options, when there are multiple passes available.
  • Once added, ability to click View In Wallet to see pass in Apple Wallet.
  • Available offline once cached for up to a day.
  • added Eventday integration to help with high server load days.
  • Added a default image for events with no image.
  • exposed more values in the PresenceMember object.
  • Fixed layout issues on some smaller device sizes.
  • Sample app enhancements / clean up.

Changes(6/19/2018 Release 1.7.1)

  • Fixed an issue where add to apple wallet button would not appear in certain cases.

Changes(5/23/2018 Release 1.7.0)

  • New Federated Login - This login screen will intelligently log a fan into their Ticketmaster and/or Account Manager account based on the entered credentials
  • Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1 support
  • Expired refresh token handling improved for revocation use-cases
  • Larger Apple Wallet UI button used for higher visibility
  • Minor bugs, logic improvements

Changes(3/29/2018 Release 1.6.5)

  • General Admission ticket send / sell screens allow selection by numbered tickets instead of numbered seats
  • Fixed series event caching issue which could display invalid barcode
  • Various performance enhancements

Changes(3/06/2018 Release 1.6.2)

  • Swift iOS Swift 4.0.3 Support
  • Price guidance for selling Archtics tickets, based on similarly listed ticket prices
  • Sample App enhancements to save & edit profiles
  • Demo project to provide full examples and best practices for integrators
  • Support for viewing and sending Host series events consisting of multiple tickets
  • Improved error handling when prefetching tickets
  • Improved code comments for public methods, classes, structures, enums
  • Fixed display issues “Add the Apple Wallet” button while loading tickets
  • Fixed potential crashes from forced unwrapping of nil variables
  • Various Bug Fixes

Changes(01/31/2018 Release 1.5.0)

  • Created a Sample App for clients and integrators to easily demo the SDK.
  • Added local in-app notifications to alert user if tickets could not be refreshed.
  • Identity Host Login to enable future support of social logins, such as Facebook.
  • Updated the access token to be valid for 15 minute minimum.
  • Added a new getMemberInfo() method that can be used to fetch logged in member information.
  • Fixed event time to be displayed in event’s timezone.
  • Minor UI Improvements and bug fixes.

Changes(01/09/2018 Release 1.4.1)

  • Add new method for fetching the access token for Host and Archtics.
  • Add Experience SDK SSO Pinless Feature to disable pin prompt within add, return, and upgrade buttons.
  • Upgrade to Experience iOS SDK v4.9.3 for Swift 3.1 and Experience iOS SDK v5.0.5 for Swift 4.0.0 to allow access to certain Experience Swift objects.
  • Updated onLoginSuccessful() PresenceLoginDelegate method to return accessToken from the specified backend.
  • Updated onLoginCancelled() PresenceLoginDelegate method to return the backend name associated with a callback event.
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Changes (12/05/2017 Release 1.4.0)

  • Added support for prefetching all tickets in background so barcodes are accessible even in offline mode.
  • Added support for VIP color and text.
  • Added option to choose between Dark and Light theme for the SDK that works together with configured branding color.
  • Added few more delegate methods for the Login flow to have function parity between iOS and Android SDK.
  • Added a new method for accessing SDK’s version number.
  • Made Add to Wallet button more accessible by making it available on both front and back of ticket card.
  • Made some overall improvements and fixed some critical bugs.

Changes (11/21/17 Release 1.3.1)

  • Fixed experience sdk integration issues.
  • Fixed crash while adding a credit card for Host.

Changes (11/6/17 Release 1.3.0)

  • Experience SDK Integration.
  • Improved Login Screen for the SDK.
  • Support for iPhone X screen size.
  • Added refresh button for fans with no tickets
  • Added support for honoring custom tint color for navigation bar configured via UIAppearance.
  • Bug fixes for adding Mastercard as refund card and other UI issues.

Changes (10/16/17 Release 1.2.0)

  • Added support for entering verification code for linking TMR account for Archtics.
  • Fixed seat description selection for posting flow for Archtics.
  • Separated the login flow from main SDK so it can just be used for login and fetching valid access token.

Changes (10/5/17 Release 1.1.1)

  • Added support for choosing between different payout methods during Resale flow for Archtics.

Changes (09/29/17 Release 1.1.0)

  • Added support for Apigee and made integration with SDK much simpler.
  • Added support for seat selection in Transfer and Resale flow.
  • Added support for pre-fetching Apple Wallet Passes
  • Added 3 new helper methods for checking login status
  • Fixed few minor issues in the SDK

Changes (09/15/17 Release 1.0.8)

  • Switched to Xcode 9 and Swift 4.

Changes (09/13/17 Release 1.0.7)

  • Fixed couple of issues related to accepting terms of use if user has not accepted it yet.
  • Cancel Transfer option is immediately available after initiating a transfer.
  • Scan Barcode option is immediately available after canceling transfer if barcode is available.
  • Added a configuration parameter in the SDK to select new accounts manager flow for resetting password and creating account on main login screen.
  • Added SDK version number on the main login screen.

Changes (09/5/17 Release 1.0.6)

  • Fixed the issue related to not able to post multiple tickets for resale at the same time.
  • Removed ticket price information from the Ticket Details View since that information is not provided.
  • Fixed an issue related to ‘Cancel’ button not appearing on Login screen in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue related to automatic scrolling to ticket card which has been successfully posted for resale.
  • Fixed the appearance of login button on Events List View when the current logged in account does not have any tickets.

Changes (08/24/17 Release 1.0.5)

  • Updated the main login screen and added a button for user to create new account or reset password.
  • Fixed a bug related to SDK hanging during the login flow.

Changes (08/22/17 Release 1.0.4)

  • Added some safety checks to avoid some crashes during Login flow.
  • Handled case for events that don’t have date and have TBD or some date override text.

Changes (08/18/17 Release 1.0.3)

  • Fixed issue related to grouping of ticket card when multiple tickets are transferred together.
  • Fixed another issue related to missing tickets from Transfer Group Selection View.

Changes (08/17/17 Release 1.0.2)

  • Fixed issue related to missing tickets from Transfer Group Selection View.

Changes (08/11/17 Release 1.0.1)

  • Added support to Add to Apple Wallet for ticket passes.
  • Added support for html tags in Accept Terms of Use screen.
  • Fixed couple of bugs while Adding and Editing deposit account.
  • Fixed issue related to handling of “Session Expired” error.

Changes (3/22/2024 Release 2.22.6)

  • 3PA Orders/Barcodes support

Changes (1/31/2024 Release 2.22.5)

  • Fixed Host UK + Archtics issue

Changes (1/9/2024 Release 2.22.4)

  • Fixed an issue related to transferring Host tickets for AU/NZ market

Changes (12/15/2023 Release 2.22.3)

  • Enabling Cancel Transfer for Archtics AU/NZ marketplace

Changes (8/9/2023 Release 2.22.2)

  • Fixed an issue with large fonts obscuring the refresh button on the QR view.

Changes (8/7/2023 Release 2.22.1)

  • Fixed minor issue for Safetix 2.0

Changes (7/31/2023 Release 2.22.0)

  • Support for Safetix 2.0
  • Support for Edit and Cancel posting via NAM Webviews
  • Fixed offline support for rendering barcodes
  • Fixed an issue with a large font size obscuring the refresh button on the barcode view
  • Fixed a crash reported on a click of an event card.
  • Fixed an issue related to adding NFC passes to Google Wallet.
  • Removed Google Service Ads library dependency
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes(support for French in web views, tickets with no barcodes getting rendered incorrectly)

Changes (5/8/2023 Release 2.21.0)

  • TM and LN app Ticket colorization improvements
  • Removed Voucher tab from Non-Safetix tickets
  • Updated ordering of ticket cards based on relevance
  • Fixed an issue related to rendering of Parking tickets (NFL)
  • Fixed a crash related to JumpToOrder flow
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes (accessibility, barcode rendering, Cancel Transfer for MX etc)

Changes (4/19/2023 Release 2.20.1)

  • fixed an issue with JumpToOrder/Event showing blank screen in certain cases

Changes (4/7/2023 Release 2.20.0)

  • Added support for Seat Upgrades and More Ticket Actions to Archtics tickets
  • Updated ticket ordering under My Tickets so most relevant tickets are displayed first
  • Enabled Transfer when tickets are transfer eligible (Mexico Host Only)
  • Fixed double login issue (SportsXR)
  • Fixed Transfer and Sell not working for Archtics Linked Accounts
  • ModernAccounts migration error page (for user upgrading from PSDK 2.15 or older)

Changes (3/8/2023 Release 2.19.0)

  • Transfer and Sell buttons linking via Webviews for all Archtics Clients
  • Support for Ticket Colorization for LN and Ticketmaster App
  • New animation around QR Codes
  • Correct Upsell Event for all marketplaces
  • Improvements and bug fixes for Archtics and HOST (UK/IE/AU/NZ/Mexico and US/CA)

Changes (2/1/2023 Release 2.18.0)

  • Added new Functionality to replace LocalBroadcastManager (We also kept the LocalBroadcastManager as deprecated)
  • Crash fix for Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already resumed com.ticketmaster.presencesdk.transfer.inapp.invites.remote.api.InvitesApi$fetchInvites$2$request$1.invoke(InvitesApi.kt:22)
  • Miscellaneous Fixed for our Ticketmaster Apps UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand
  • Added alert when tapping add to wallet without connection

Changes (12/16/2022 Release 2.17.0)

  • Added option for MFA before Google Wallet
  • Added AU/NZ Manage Tickets Webview
  • Better “Session Expired” instructions for user
  • Small bug fixes

Changes (11/17/2022 Release 2.16.1)

  • UK/IE Transfer / Sell / Order buttons

Changes (11/07/2022 Release 2.16.0)

  • New ModernAccounts Team/Host Sign-In Logic
  • Archtics Supress Seat Labels Support
  • Host US Posting flow now uses webpage
  • UK/IE Bug Fixes
  • French and Spanish Translation Fixes
  • Crash Fixes

Changes (10/05/2022 Release 2.15.0)

  • UK/IE LiveChat Support
  • Major improvements for UK Host tickets
  • Added Custom Module interface (Module delegate)
  • Added VenueMap, VenueConcessions, and Account Manager SeatUpgrades pre-built modules
  • Removed VenueConcessions delegate (now uses Module delegate)
  • Missing French and Spanish translations
  • Misc minor bug fixes

Changes (09/02/2022 Release 2.14.0)

  • QuickLogin page UI now supports Host, AccountManager, and SportXR logins
  • Improved French/Spanish translations

Changes (08/25/2022 Release 2.13.1)

  • New! Basic support for Host UK/IE Tickets, including Transfer/Resale
  • Improved French/Spanish translations
  • Fixed: Even/Odd Venue Seats are now handled correctly in Transfer/Resale
  • Fixed: Blank screen if user has no purchased Events

Changes (07/20/2022 Release 2.12.1)

  • Added/Improved French translations

Changes (07/18/2022 Release 2.12.0)

  • New! In-App Transfers (Account Manager accounts only)
  • Major refactor of the code for the Ticket Screen
  • Added a default image for events that doesnt have an image
  • Added missing £ in ticket prices for the UK
  • Fixed: Reset Password view would get closed before entering the MFA
  • Misc Bug fixes

Changes (06/09/2022 Release 2.11.0)

  • Use event id in securetickets call for all clients
  • Display price breakdown in ticket details screen
  • Hide Account Number View In Ticket Details Screen when Account Number info is missing
  • Locale filtering logic for Ticketmaster websites and services
  • Host/Team Member ids and emails are no longer masked (reverted changes from 2.2.0)
  • Fix for transfer and sell checkboxes disappearing after click
  • Fix PSDK crash as null object of context is passed to FileHelperImpl
  • Removed resale SDK
  • Fix for the chrome issue when users don’t accept terms and conditions and Spanish translations
  • Login fix for users who have not accepted chrome terms and conditions
  • Removed cache migration

Changes (03/28/2022 Release 2.10.1)

  • bug fix where sdk is not able to initilize due to null poiinter in cache migration

Changes (03/28/2022 Release 2.10.0)

  • Added Spanish language support
  • Added new fields to Ticket Barcode page (UK Host & Sport XR)
  • Fix for transferring tickets via text

Changes (02/22/2022 Release 2.9.0)

  • Added a refresh button to the secure entry tickets in case the view to gets out of sync state
  • French translations to the text that were displayed in English for french users
  • Fix for some of the teams that had problems transferring the tickets
  • Fix so that the transfer button is properly displayed
  • Fix for the teams that had problem with tickets disappearing after sending an invite for transferring the ticket
  • Fix for the teams that had problems after updating presence sdk to 2.8.0 and had problem with fetching data

Changes (01/24/2022 Release 2.8.0)

  • Fixed 3PE order deliver dates beyond Event date
  • Fix Tickets screen size when there is no Venue Next active
  • When users log out we specify to only delete files related to the presence_sdk_cache only and not related to the clients app
  • In some devices the 0 did show correctly on the resale price screen
  • Targeted API level updated to API 31

Changes (01/10/2022 Release 2.7.0)

  • Change Sell & Transfer buttons style to be more rounded.
  • Add new text for 1099k tax requirement for Resale.

Changes (10/29/2021 Release 2.5.1)

  • Fixed issues with barcode usage tracking
  • SDK now request for android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • com.ticketmaster.presence:secure-entry library updated to 1.2.2
  • androidx.activity:activity-ktx library updated to 1.3.1
  • androidx.fragment:fragment library updated to 1.3.6

NOTE: Remember to update the libraries mentioned above to the same version in your application.

Changes (10/11/2021 Release 2.5.0)

  • Tickets page can now scroll vertically in order to view additional modules (like upsell)
  • Added Venue Concessions upsell module (see PresenceSDK.setVenueNext and VenueNextDelegate)

Changes (09/22/2021 Release 2.4.0)

  • White Screen fix upon login, not implementing the callback for refreshFailed
  • Health Check Crash fix, from NULL state
  • Pixel Specific fix, device white screen
  • Token Refresh fix, refreshing archtics token when requesting host and also logging out both host and architcs accounts

Changes (08/17/2021 Release 2.3.1)

  • Added presentLoginUI option to getAccessToken (to fetch OAuth tokens without triggering login)
  • Fixed Refresh token issue while using Quick Login

Changes (07/30/2021 Release 2.2.2)

  • Fixed Host tickets not displaying while using Quick Login

Changes (06/25/2021 Release 2.2.1)

  • Added support for new Google Pay App
  • Fixed crash related to Accounts selection dropdown

Changes (06/09/2021 Release 2.2.0)

  • QuickLogin (and AutoLogin) functionality (aka. Consolidated Sign-In)
  • Member ID masking (aka. Clear Text Removal)

Changes (3/15/2021 Release 2.1.0)

  • Support for Health Check enabled events
  • Remove Experience SDK

Changes (2/2/2021 Release 2.0.0)

  • Stability improvements to resolve “White Screen” issue seen in 1.x.x versions
  • Improved versioning for all future releases
  • 1.x.x - Major - Required as soon as possible - Possible Integration Changes - Many New Features, New UI (Modern Accounts, SafeTix, Accessibility, New Year)
  • x.1.x - Minor - Encouraged as soon as possible - Backwards Compatible Changes - One Major New Feature, Collection of Bug Fixes
  • x.x.1 - Patch - Optional as time allows - Background Improvements - Small Bug Fixes, Technical Maintenance

Changes (09/30/2020 Release 1.29.0)

  • Fan messaging encouraging safety added to the resale and transfer flows
  • Tickets to events with yet to be announced times (TBA) now correctly display only the date
  • Additional performance improvements and bug fixes

Changes (08/31/2020 Release 1.28.0)

  • This update includes performance improvements and bug fixes
  • UI improvements for multi-factor authentication

Changes (08/03/2020 Release 1.27.0)

  • Update spelling of ‘cancelled’ for AU/NZ events
  • Put a check in to disallow the forwarding of a ticket to the same email address that current owns the ticket
  • Persist one-time code password page when navigating away (do not close it by default)

Changes (06/18/2020 Release 1.26.0)

  • Modern Accounts support for Host and Archtics.
  • Includes new fan facing login selection screen. See integration guide for screenshots.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication enforcement for transfer and resale workflows (for Ticketmaster account).
  • Updated resale flow “posting” terminology to read as “listing”.
  • Fix MemberInfo NPE in request headers
  • User is no longer signed out when choosing not to link accounts

Changes (05/13/2020 Release 1.25.0)

  • Event List NPE (null pointer exception) fix
  • Postponed event banner color changed from red to yellow

Changes (04/14/2020 Release 1.24.0)

  • Additional support for third-party resale tickets, including specific instructions on how to view your ticket, based on the original ticket provider.
  • Added new interface method onLogoutFailed(TMLoginApi.BackendName backendName, final String errorMessage) to PresenceLoginListener that implementors have to override to prevent compiler errors. Unless implementors are using a PresenceSimpleLoginListener.
  • Fixed an issue that could display ticket image branding incorrectly.
  • Includes series of improvements and bug fixes.

Changes (03/23/2020 Release 1.23.0)

  • Added support for displaying price code information on ticket details screens.
  • Fixed issue related to missing “GPay” button on Barcode screen.
  • Includes series of improvements and bug fixes.
  • Resale Payout terms updated to specify deposit may occur to up 7 days after the event.

Changes (03/4/2020 Release 1.22.1)

  • Added new setBrandingColors method for setting branding colors.
  • Added support for Android X, moving off the unmaintained Android support library.
  • Addresses resale posting for ranges of tickets.
  • Including series of backend and bug improvements.
  • Fixed a null pointer exception when listing events which could have had missing posting information.
  • Fixed a Jump To Order null pointer exception when accessing a null Event’s event ID.
  • Fixed issue where all text transfers were sent an invalid recipient.

Changes (02/13/2020 Release 1.22.0)

  • Added new setBrandingColors method for setting branding colors.
  • Added support for Android X, moving off the unmaintained Android support library.
  • Addresses resale posting for ranges of tickets.
  • Including series of backend and bug improvements.

Changes(12/06/2019 Release 1.20.0)

  • Breaking Change - Integration Requires Picasso v2.71828
  • Update dependency to Picasso v2.71828
  • Support for Experience SDK v7.5.4
  • Updated Copy for transfer tool tip when viewing a ticket to read “Going with Friends? Transfer their tickets now.”
  • Added CCPA flag to notify integrators when users have opted out of privacy via the PresenceMember.doNotSellFlag.
  • Note that an accurate value is only supported for Host currently.
  • Restored optional SSO functionality for Experience SDK flow
  • Fixed Crash when Experience SDK is not included
  • Support for additional relevant text on Will Call tickets for pick up guidance, and for AU/NZ section name details

Changes(11/25/2019 Release 1.19.3)

  • Fix an issue where setting Experience Configuration with required parameters disable experience functionality

Changes(11/18/2019 Release 1.19.2)

  • Fixed an issue where after calling logOut(), you the user would be logged back in automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to login and would get a “Something went wrong…” error.
  • Added a NPE check for the resale flow that was effecting a hand full of users.

Changes(11/04/2019 Release 1.19.0)

  • Updated the integration documentation, please check it out.
  • Increased com.ticketmaster.presence:secure-entry:1.1.0@aar, please make sure to do this on your projects as well.
  • Improved Jump To Order functionality. Methods that jump to specific events or orders will now attempt to invalidate server caches in an attempt to retrieve new inventory more reliably.
  • Added a PresenceDeeplinkActivity to help simplify deep linking between Experience and presence SDKs
  • Improvements to accessibility for ticket, barcode, transfer and sell views.
  • If the “Update Your Clock” dialog needs to be presented it will only present for SafeTix tickets.
  • Removed ability to toggle QR code for SafeTix tickets.
  • Added an “Save to Phone” value proposition to encourage users to use the functionality.
  • Improved French translations for ticket details view.
  • Removed color customization options for SafeTix barcodes.
  • Barcode screen title bar now includes event and venue name.
  • Updated Experience SDK to v7.5.2

Changes(08/26/2019 Release 1.18.4)

  • Updated Secure Entry SDK to 1.0.9.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Improved handling of user language settings.
  • Improved handling of time sync for SafeTix entry.
  • Fixed some French translation issue.
  • Adjusted size of Ticketmaster logo on ticket listing screen.

Changes(07/11/2019 Release 1.18.3)

  • Fixed issue for resource not found (verified logo)
  • Fixed issue for duplicate Content Type header on Login Requests

Changes(07/10/2019 Release 1.18.2)

  • French localization enhancements
  • Minor UI enhancements

Changes(07/02/2019 Release 1.18.0)

  • Update to SecureEntrySDK 1.0.7
  • WARNING: NEW DEPENDENCY ADDED: implementation ‘android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.1.1’
  • Updated Experience SDK to include button layout changes for AU locale apps
  • New look and feel for tickets, including Added Value vouchers
  • Enhanced access to reporting available via analytics events (must be requested through your integrator)
  • UPS ticket updates
  • Improved error handling for Archtics refresh tokens
  • Auto Brightness on the barcode screen
  • A series of backend and bug improvements

Changes(06/06/2019 Release 1.17.0)

  • Updated SafeTix to remove toggle button for switching to QR Code from PDF417, now the barcode itself is the toggle button
  • Updated SafeTix barcode display to inform user that screenshots are not valid for entry into event
  • Removed Full Screen Education Guide for SafeTix (
  • Updated Resale flow to allow user to set listing price per ticket instead of payout price per ticket
  • Added support for UPS Delivery ticket details
  • Updated Experience SDK to v7.3.0
  • Added support for ParkWhiz tickets to open links in a secure browser

Changes(05/03/2019 Release 1.16.0)

  • Support for additional third party event tickets, including detailed guidance for fans to access their tickets.
  • Properly clear cached tickets when user logs out.
  • Fixed issue with black close button with dark Android theme.
  • Fixed posting flow UI issue preventing completion due to seller profile from backend.
  • Fixed a Null Pointer Exception when event list UI is not visible after receiving event data from server.
  • Fixed a date format issue that caused app crashes on devices running Android 5.0/ API level 21 (Lollipop).

Changes(03/29/2019 Release 1.15.0)

  • End users can now create a resale seller profile for Archtics accounts.
  • Improvements to Secure Ticket rendering for optimal fan experience during ingress.
  • Resale General Admission seat selection restrictions have been lifted to allow for more flexible seat postings.
  • Removed cached, duplicate ticket card after Edit posting flow.
  • Display correct ticket count while posting is pending.

Changes(02/26/2019 Release 1.14.0)

  • In this build we have removed a few dependencies and added some new ones. Please check the integration list for these changes.
  • Add implementation (‘com.ticketmaster.presence:secure-entry:1.0.4@aar’){ transitive = true }
  • SaneTime-1.0.0.aar, java-totp-1.0.3.jar files can be removed.
  • implementation (name:‘SaneTime-1.0.0’, ext:‘aar’) can be removed.
  • Support for Secure Entry, including:
  • Rotating PDF-417 symbology
  • First-Time Fan Experience
  • Dual Login modular options for a consistent HOST and ARCHTICS experience
  • Additional enhancements for AU market (ticket details)
  • Note: GPay ‘Save to Phone’ option not available for Secure Entry

Changes(02/15/2019 Release 1.13.3)

  • Addressed an issue related to Purchase SDK.

Changes(02/08/2019 Release 1.13.2)

  • Addressed a cookie issue related to login.

Changes(02/08/2019 Release 1.13.1)

  • Removed TODAY and TOMORROW callouts on event list to align with iOS.
  • Renamed “Send” to “Transfer” throughout the SDK.
  • For AU clients, renamed “Transfer” to “Forward” throughout the SDK.
  • Host only and Archtics only login flows now share the same updated visual UI.
  • Validation for terms of service updates on each sdk load.
  • Addressed an issue where updating ACH accounts for Archtics would not work properly.
  • Addressed manual ticket transfer flow crash.
  • Addressed NPE for missing time_zone.
  • Addressed invalid server error during resale flow.
  • Support for CAD posting flows.

Changes(12/17/2018 Release 1.12.0)

  • API 21 - 28 Supported (up from 19)
  • Made changes to step 7 and step 8 of the integration documentation. These include changes that you will need to implement for your project to build. Major change for these steps is TMLoginListener has been renamed to PresenceLoginListener.
  • Removed ‘EventTimer-1.0.0.aar’ dependency. Please remove this from your projects!
  • Due to some integrators not being able to support the newer version of picasso, we have 2 versions on the dev portal this release. Please make sure your build.gradle includes the correct version you wish to use! (Support 2.5.2 and 2.71828)
  • Fixed an issue where if attempting to update the posting price of a listed ticket, and the get ticket info call was not finished, would cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where event times were being displayed incorrectly around DST change.
Cleaned up the back of the ticket information page.
  • Posting resale tickets for Ticketmaster events now displays the correct values.
  • Now handle when a user uses an incorrect ACH account. Proper error shows.
  • Fixed a crash that could occasionally happen around selecting a contact for the transfer flow.
  • Updated font to Averta away from system font.
  • Properly respect date and time overrides for events.
  • Integrators can now choose between Create Account or Forgot Password to match their NAM settings as only one can be supported at a time.
  • Fixed an issue where if a user had a space in any of the transfer flow, the ticket would fail to send.

Changes(10/31/2018 Release 1.11.0)

  • Custom icon configuration with brandLogo image URL support for Link Account Screen and Drop-Down Menu
  • Recipient Name added on Transferred (Pending and Claimed) Ticket Cards
  • Added the ability to view the price at which a ticket was resold at.
  • Cleaned up the ticket view for small devices so users can see all functionality without having to scroll.
  • Fixed bug which added a blue background on the barcode screen
  • Fixed bug which incorrectly allowed splits when editing a posting that did not allow splits
  • Minimum API level is now 20 (Previously 19)
  • Picasso update to version 2.71828 is mandatory, otherwise a runtime crash will occur.

Changes(10/12/2018 Release 1.10.1)

  • Added support for a scenario on Android Pie where web view has been launched in the app before PSDK is loaded.

Changes(10/03/2018 Release 1.10.0)

  • New default branding colors.
  • Android Pie support
  • Minimum API level is now 19 (Previously 16)
  • Experience SDK v7.0.3 Support
  • Added new dependencies to integration document for enhanced customer experience.
  • Launch Login with Team ONLY configuration for custom Archtics only flows. (see integration document)
  • All methods related to oAuth tokens (including getAccessToken) that used to be in TMLoginApi relocated to com.ticketmaster.presencesdk.login.TokenManager class.

Changes(8/28/2018 Release 1.9.0)

  • Account switching - If the signed in Archtics account is linked to other accounts, all related accounts will be shown in SDK.
  • Added new notification methods for highly requested actions. Please see Analytics section in implementation file.
  • Addressed sample App crashes/restarts in airplane mode.
  • Sample app now supports Android Pie.
  • Claimed state for transferred tickets now shown properly.
  • “No Connection” banner now shows under proper circumstances.

Changes(7/31/2018 Release 1.8.1)

  • Fixed issues related to Eventday flow.

Changes(7/27/2018 Release 1.8.0)

  • New Email Flow to capture recipient information.
  • The round, floating action contact from previous versions has now been added into a new view shown at the top of the events list page.
  • Added Eventday integration to help with high server load days.
  • Added a new default image for events with no image.
  • Exposed more values in the PresenceMember object.
  • Fixed layout issues on some smaller device sizes.
  • Sample app enhancements / clean up.
  • Fixed an issue where prefetching was not happening in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a rare crash after using the reset password screen.
  • Fixed wording on errors with linking accounts in federated login flow.
  • Fixed wording on transferring GA seats.

Changes(6/05/2018 Release 1.7.1)

  • Fixed an issue with onMemberUpdate() callback not firing off
  • Fixed an issue where prefetch was not firing after initial login

Changes(5/23/2018 Release 1.7.0)

  • New Federated Login - This login screen will intelligently log a fan into their Ticketmaster and/or Account Manager account based on the entered credentials
  • TLS 1.2 support
  • Expired refresh token handling improved for revocation use-cases
  • Consolidated transfer ticket cards to be grouped by transaction
  • Corrected seat number disparities on transferred tickets
  • Fixed missing ticket details issue on small-screen devices
  • Ticket status symbols updated
  • Minor bugs, logic improvements
  • Sample App: UI text updated, network connection notification added when offline, memory leak fixed when using large number of accounts

Changes(3/29/2018 Release 1.6.5)

  • General Admission ticket send / sell screens allow selection by numbered tickets instead of numbered seats
  • Disabled multiple login webviews from opening due to multiple clicks
  • Team Logout functionality restored
  • Updated send ticket messaging for series events which incorrectly mentioned selling tickets
  • De-duplication of sent Host tickets upon refresh
  • Sample app login screen buttons no longer disappear on smaller screens
  • Sample app unnecessary toast messages removed
  • Fixed compile errors due multiple string substitutions
  • Fixed index out of bounds exception - TmxResalePaymentPresenter
  • Fixed null pointer exception - DeviceDimensionHelper
  • Fixed missing section, row, seat information after sending ticket
  • Various performance enhancements

Changes(3/06/2018 Release 1.6.2)

  • Price guidance for selling Archtics tickets, based on similarly listed ticket prices
  • Sample App enhancements to save & edit profiles
  • Demo project to provide full examples and best practices for integrators
  • Support for viewing and sending Host series events consisting of multiple tickets
  • Improved code comments for public methods, classes, structures, enums
  • Fixed potential crash affecting specific API Key configurations
  • Resolved Lint errors
  • Various Bug Fixes

Changes(02/01/2018 Release 1.5.1)

  • Updated dependency list error in localize french string
  • Fix Lint error
  • Updated Integration Guide
  • Created a Sample App for clients and integrators to easily demo the SDK.
  • Updated Experience SDK version to 5.0.3 that includes loading spinner fix.
  • Added local in-app notifications to alert user if tickets could not be refreshed.
  • Identity Host Login to enable future support of social logins, such as Facebook.
  • Added a new getMemberInfo() method that can be used to fetch logged in member information.
  • Fixed an issue related to empty screen being displayed (due to device no-network) on the app launch when user already has cached information.
  • Fixed a crash during cancel transfer flow.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during seat selection in posting and transfer flow.
  • Experience SDK deep link removed to no longer force the app selection prompt for links.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements in ticket caching logic and counters.

Changes(01/31/2018 Release 1.5.0)

  • Created a Sample App for clients and integrators to easily demo the SDK.
  • Updated Experience SDK version to 5.0.3 that includes loading spinner fix.
  • Added local in-app notifications to alert user if tickets could not be refreshed.
  • Identity Host Login to enable future support of social logins, such as Faceboo k.
  • Added a new getMemberInfo() method that can be used to fetch logged in member information.
  • Fixed an issue related to empty screen being displayed (due to device no-network) on the app launch when user already has cached information.
  • Fixed a crash during cancel transfer flow.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during seat selection in posting and transfer flow.
  • Experience SDK deep link removed to no longer force the app selection prompt for links.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements in ticket caching logic and counters.

Changes (01/09/2018 Release 1.4.1)

  • Add new method for fetching the access token for Host and Archtics.
  • Add Experience SDK SSO Pinless Feature to disable pin prompt within add, return, and upgrade buttons.
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Changes (12/05/2017 Release 1.4.0)

  • Added support for prefetching all tickets in background so barcodes are accessible even in offline mode.
  • Added support for VIP color and text.
  • Added option to choose between Dark and Light theme for the SDK that works together with configured branding color.
  • Added support for API level 26 (Android 8.0).
  • Added a new method for accessing SDK’s version number.
  • Made Add to Android Pay button more accessible by making it available on both front and back of ticket card.
  • Fixed the background color of Event List View and made it opaque.
  • Made some overall improvements and fixed some critical bugs.

Changes (11/21/2017 Release 1.3.1)

  • Fixed experience sdk integration issues.
  • Fixed experience button menu missing after second time the ticket view is visited.

Changes (11/06/2017 Release 1.3.0)

  • Experience sdk integration
  • Android wallet support
  • Main login entry screen change
  • Fixed potential resource naming collision issue with client projects. All presence sdk resources are named with “presencesdk” prefix.
  • Bug fixes for master card and branding coloring support for action bar

Changes (10/16/2017 Release 1.2.0)

  • Added support for entering verification code for linking TMR account for
  • Fixed seat description selection for posting flow for Archtics
  • Fixed intermittent logout issue
  • Separated the login flow from main SDK so it can just be used for login and fetching valid access token.
  • Fixed other in-field issues

Changes (10/05/2017 Release 1.1.1)

  • Added support for choosing between different payout methods during Resale flow for Archtics.

Changes (09/29/2017 Release 1.1.0)

  • Added support for Apigee and made integration with SDK much simpler.
  • Added support for seat selection in Transfer and Resale flow.
  • Added 3 new helper methods for checking login status
  • Fixed few minor issues in the SDK.

Changes (09/13/2017 Release 1.0.0)

  • Resolved login issue of getting stuck in log-in screen after logging in and clicking “authorize” button.
  • Resolved login issue of getting 401 status when clicking on an event
  • Handled session expiry error
  • Fixed crashlytics crashes
  • Fixed crash due to multiple loading of TmxMainView
  • Fixed missing seats at group selection view in transfer/resale flow
  • Fixed in-field crash/issues
  • Fixed edit resale operation with 4 digit price
  • Added forgot password on log-in UI (08/24/2017)
  • Fixed duplicate ticket card in listing pending state (09/05/2017)
  • Added price breakdown in ticket details (09/05/2017)
  • Supported upsell items (09/05/2017)
  • Fixed payment account delete operation failure in concurrent log-in scenario (09/05/2017)
  • Restored barcode immediately after resale/transfer cancel (09/12/2017)
  • Fix to automatically refresh the event list view once user logs in to second server (09/12/2017)
  • Bundle and unbundle multi tickets resale or transfer operations (09/12/2017)
  • Added support for password recovery for teams still on old account manager (09/13/2017)