Discovery Feed 2.0

The Ticketmaster Discovery Feed provides access to event content on Ticketmaster and other ticketing platforms. All data is sourced from the Discovery API and delivered as a separate file per country with multiple formats available.If you are enabled for our affiliate program, all event urls contained in the feed will be updated with affiliate tracking information.



The Discovery Feed is open to the public. To access the feed, you will simply need an API key which is granted when you sign up for a Ticketmaster developer account. Sign up for a developer account here. Once you receive your API key, this should be added to every resource endpoint call.


Host and API endpoint information

All connections must be made over SSL using https.

Event Sources

The Discovery Feed provides event content from Ticketmaster, FrontGate Tickets and Ticketmaster Resale.

Supported Countries

Events are available from the following countries: 
US, CA, IE, GB, AU, NZ, MX, AE, AT, BE, DE, DK, ES, FI, NL, NO, PL, SE, CH, CZ, IT, FR, ZA, and TR.

Options to Get Events Feed

There are two ways of downloading the events feed.

  1. Get feeds in specific formats (csv or json) for a specific country using the country codes mentioned above.
  2. Get the feeds metadata file which contains downloadable uri for feeds for all countries in all the formats : csv and json

Note :

  1. The Transactable status flag in the response includes the status for standard ticket types and TM+ Resale offers.
  2. The XML format of events feed is deprecated and will not be supported in the future.

1 : Events Feed Per Country [GET]

You can use the direct link to get the event feeds for a particular country in the following formats : csv or json.{apikey}&countryCode={countryCode}


Parameter Description Type Example Required
apikey Your API Key string “GkB8Z037ZfqbLCNtZViAgrEegbsrZ6Ne” Yes
countryCode The country code of specific the country for which the events feed is required string “US” Yes

Response structure:

Events Feed

Request Response
Status 200
    "eventId" : "G5eVZpgUwX7o1",
    "legacyEventId" : "2D005B5DB2F8444A",
    "primaryEventUrl" : "",
    "resaleEventUrl" : null,
    "eventName" : "MysteryRealm Film Series -  Psycho",
    "eventInfo" : null,
    "eventNotes" : null,
    "eventStatus" : "onsale",
    "eventImageUrl" : "",
    "eventStartDateTime" : "2022-06-25T23:00:00Z",
    "eventStartLocalTime" : "19:00",
    "eventStartLocalDate" : "2022-06-25",
    "eventEndDateTime" : null,
    "venue" : {
      "venueName" : "Carolina Theatre Cinema",
      "venueId" : "KovZpa9C1e",
      "legacyVenueId" : "369659",
      "venueUrl" : "",
      "venueTimezone" : "America/New_York",
      "venueZipCode" : "27701",
      "venueLatitude" : 35.99779129,
      "venueLongitude" : -78.9029541,
      "venueStreet" : "309 W Morgan Street",
      "venueCity" : "Durham",
      "venueStateCode" : "NC",
      "venueCountryCode" : "US",
      "accessibleSeatingDetail" : "This venue is accessible.",
      "adaPhones" : null,
      "adaCustomCopy" : null,
      "adaHours" : null
    "attractions" : [ {
      "attraction" : {
        "attractionUrl" : "",
        "attractionId" : "K8vZ9173Z87",
        "legacyAttractionId" : "1943963",
        "attractionName" : "Carolina Theatre's Retro Film Series",
        "attractionImageUrl" : "",
        "images" : [ {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "16_9",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 640,
            "height" : 360,
            "fallback" : false
        }, {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "4_3",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 305,
            "height" : 225,
            "fallback" : false
        }, {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "3_2",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 1024,
            "height" : 683,
            "fallback" : true
        }, {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "16_9",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 2048,
            "height" : 1152,
            "fallback" : false
        } ],
        "classificationSegmentId" : "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nn",
        "classificationSegment" : "Film",
        "classificationGenreId" : "KnvZfZ7vAka",
        "classificationGenre" : "Miscellaneous",
        "classificationSubGenreId" : "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7vFll",
        "classificationSubGenre" : "Classic/Reissue",
        "classificationTypeId" : "KZAyXgnZfZ7v7nI",
        "classificationType" : "Undefined",
        "classificationSubTypeId" : "KZFzBErXgnZfZ7v7lJ",
        "classificationSubType" : "Undefined"
    } ],
    "promoters" : [ {
      "promoter" : {
        "id" : "494",
        "name" : "PROMOTED BY VENUE",
        "description" : "PROMOTED BY VENUE / NTL / USA"
    } ],
    "images" : [ {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "16_9",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 640,
        "height" : 360,
        "fallback" : false
    }, {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "4_3",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 305,
        "height" : 225,
        "fallback" : false
    }, {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "3_2",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 1024,
        "height" : 683,
        "fallback" : true
    }, {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "16_9",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 2048,
        "height" : 1152,
        "fallback" : false
    } ],
    "minPrice" : "9.34",
    "maxPrice" : "9.34",
    "minPriceWithFees" : null,
    "maxPriceWithFees" : null,
    "currency" : "USD",
    "onsaleStartDateTime" : "2021-11-19T15:00:00Z",
    "onsaleEndDateTime" : "2022-06-26T00:00:00Z",
    "classificationSegmentId" : "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nn",
    "classificationSegment" : "Film",
    "classificationGenreId" : "KnvZfZ7vAka",
    "classificationGenre" : "Miscellaneous",
    "classificationSubGenreId" : "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7vFll",
    "classificationSubGenre" : "Classic/Reissue",
    "presaleName" : null,
    "presaleDateTimeRange" : null,
    "presales" : [ ],
    "source" : "ticketmaster",
    "classificationTypeId" : "KZAyXgnZfZ7v7nI",
    "classificationType" : "Undefined",
    "classificationSubTypeId" : "KZFzBErXgnZfZ7v7lJ",
    "classificationSubType" : "Undefined",
    "transactable" : true,
    "hotEvent" : false,
    "accessibilityInfo" : "Accessible seating is available for this performance as indicated on the seating map.
                                                   Wheelchair locations are available in the Orchestra and Mezzanine of the theatre (pending availability).
                                                   You may purchase one wheelchair and three companion seats per order if available.",
    "apiOnsaleStartDateTime" : "2021-11-19T16:00:00Z",
    "healthCheck" : {
      "summary" : "Health Check Required",
      "description" : "The Event Organizer is requiring Health Checks to attend this event. Please check their website for details.",
      "learnMoreUrl" : ""
    "pleaseNote" : null,
    "importantInformation" : {
      "buttonText" : "I agree",
      "secondaryLinkText" : null,
      "linkUrl" : "",
      "secondaryLinkUrl" : null,
      "description" : "While there is no way to make any setting 100% safe, the Carolina Theatre of Durham has upgraded our HVAC systems and filtration to provide the safest air possible and increased our cleaning to GBAC Star-certified COVID standards. While not required, we also strongly suggest that face coverings be worn, regardless of vaccination status, unless actively eating or drinking. By clicking “I agree” below, you are acknowledging that health or safety requirements are subject to change and may be different by the time of your event. Please note, entry requirements are subject to change.",
      "linkText" : "Terms of Use",
      "title" : "Important Note"
    "eventEndLocalDate" : "2022-06-25"

2 : Events Feed All Countries [GET]

Get a list of format specific uri to download events for each country.The following formats are available: csv or json per country.{apikey}


Parameter Description Type Example Required
apikey Your API Key string “GkB8Z037ZfqbLCNtZViAgrEegbsrZ6Ne” Yes

Response structure:

  • Discovery Feed (array) - Countries
    • {arrayitemobject} - country
      • (array) - formats (csv, json)
        • {arrayitemobject} - format
          • compressed_md5_checksum (string)
          • compressed_size_bytes (string) – compressed size of the zipped file
          • country_code(string) – country code
          • format (string) – format of the events file
          • last_updated (string) - last updated time for the file
          • num_events (string) - no of events in the file
          • uri (string) - path to download the events file

Request Response
    "countries": {
        "GB": {
            "csv": {
                "compressed_md5_checksum": "81646a7364950775039f694b1ddd6c8a",
                "compressed_size_bytes": 235745605,
                "country_code": "GB",
                "format": "csv",
                "last_updated": "2018-04-04T19:22:12-07:00",
                "num_events": 5710,
                "uri": ""
            "json": {
                "compressed_md5_checksum": "fa2fb061a510589bd86340eb68885042",
                "compressed_size_bytes": 23784073201,
                "country_code": "GB",
                "format": "json",
                "last_updated": "2018-04-04T19:22:14-07:00",
                "num_events": 5710,
                "uri": ""
        "US": {
            "csv": {
                "compressed_md5_checksum": "d4f05dc25e50e2dbc71559141985951a",
                "compressed_size_bytes": 5310932002,
                "country_code": "US",
                "format": "csv",
                "last_updated": "2018-04-04T19:20:30-07:00",
                "num_events": 12005,
                "uri": ""
            "json": {
                "compressed_md5_checksum": "f4e9c612815ce89e20cbe2ae51069635",
                "compressed_size_bytes": 39574789083,
                "format": "json",
                "last_updated": "2018-04-04T19:21:22-07:00",
                "num_events": 12005,
                "uri": ""

Download event feed file [GET]

Using the specific uri from the response above, the complete details of the events can be downloaded in the following formats : csv or json.The Discovery Feed generates .gz (non-tar) files for the requested format.

Response structure:

Events Feed

Request Response
Status 200
    "eventId" : "G5eVZpgUwX7o1",
    "legacyEventId" : "2D005B5DB2F8444A",
    "primaryEventUrl" : "",
    "resaleEventUrl" : null,
    "eventName" : "MysteryRealm Film Series -  Psycho",
    "eventInfo" : null,
    "eventNotes" : null,
    "eventStatus" : "onsale",
    "eventImageUrl" : "",
    "eventStartDateTime" : "2022-06-25T23:00:00Z",
    "eventStartLocalTime" : "19:00",
    "eventStartLocalDate" : "2022-06-25",
    "eventEndDateTime" : null,
    "venue" : {
      "venueName" : "Carolina Theatre Cinema",
      "venueId" : "KovZpa9C1e",
      "legacyVenueId" : "369659",
      "venueUrl" : "",
      "venueTimezone" : "America/New_York",
      "venueZipCode" : "27701",
      "venueLatitude" : 35.99779129,
      "venueLongitude" : -78.9029541,
      "venueStreet" : "309 W Morgan Street",
      "venueCity" : "Durham",
      "venueStateCode" : "NC",
      "venueCountryCode" : "US",
      "accessibleSeatingDetail" : "This venue is accessible.",
      "adaPhones" : null,
      "adaCustomCopy" : null,
      "adaHours" : null
    "attractions" : [ {
      "attraction" : {
        "attractionUrl" : "",
        "attractionId" : "K8vZ9173Z87",
        "legacyAttractionId" : "1943963",
        "attractionName" : "Carolina Theatre's Retro Film Series",
        "attractionImageUrl" : "",
        "images" : [ {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "16_9",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 640,
            "height" : 360,
            "fallback" : false
        }, {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "4_3",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 305,
            "height" : 225,
            "fallback" : false
        }, {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "3_2",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 1024,
            "height" : 683,
            "fallback" : true
        }, {
          "image" : {
            "ratio" : "16_9",
            "url" : "",
            "width" : 2048,
            "height" : 1152,
            "fallback" : false
        } ],
        "classificationSegmentId" : "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nn",
        "classificationSegment" : "Film",
        "classificationGenreId" : "KnvZfZ7vAka",
        "classificationGenre" : "Miscellaneous",
        "classificationSubGenreId" : "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7vFll",
        "classificationSubGenre" : "Classic/Reissue",
        "classificationTypeId" : "KZAyXgnZfZ7v7nI",
        "classificationType" : "Undefined",
        "classificationSubTypeId" : "KZFzBErXgnZfZ7v7lJ",
        "classificationSubType" : "Undefined"
    } ],
    "promoters" : [ {
      "promoter" : {
        "id" : "494",
        "name" : "PROMOTED BY VENUE",
        "description" : "PROMOTED BY VENUE / NTL / USA"
    } ],
    "images" : [ {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "16_9",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 640,
        "height" : 360,
        "fallback" : false
    }, {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "4_3",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 305,
        "height" : 225,
        "fallback" : false
    }, {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "3_2",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 1024,
        "height" : 683,
        "fallback" : true
    }, {
      "image" : {
        "ratio" : "16_9",
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 2048,
        "height" : 1152,
        "fallback" : false
    } ],
    "minPrice" : "9.34",
    "maxPrice" : "9.34",
    "minPriceWithFees" : null,
    "maxPriceWithFees" : null,
    "currency" : "USD",
    "onsaleStartDateTime" : "2021-11-19T15:00:00Z",
    "onsaleEndDateTime" : "2022-06-26T00:00:00Z",
    "classificationSegmentId" : "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nn",
    "classificationSegment" : "Film",
    "classificationGenreId" : "KnvZfZ7vAka",
    "classificationGenre" : "Miscellaneous",
    "classificationSubGenreId" : "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7vFll",
    "classificationSubGenre" : "Classic/Reissue",
    "presaleName" : null,
    "presaleDateTimeRange" : null,
    "presales" : [ ],
    "source" : "ticketmaster",
    "classificationTypeId" : "KZAyXgnZfZ7v7nI",
    "classificationType" : "Undefined",
    "classificationSubTypeId" : "KZFzBErXgnZfZ7v7lJ",
    "classificationSubType" : "Undefined",
    "transactable" : true,
    "hotEvent" : false,
    "accessibilityInfo" : "Accessible seating is available for this performance as indicated on the seating map.
                                                   Wheelchair locations are available in the Orchestra and Mezzanine of the theatre (pending availability).
                                                   You may purchase one wheelchair and three companion seats per order if available.",
    "apiOnsaleStartDateTime" : "2021-11-19T16:00:00Z",
    "healthCheck" : {
      "summary" : "Health Check Required",
      "description" : "The Event Organizer is requiring Health Checks to attend this event. Please check their website for details.",
      "learnMoreUrl" : ""
    "pleaseNote" : null,
    "importantInformation" : {
      "buttonText" : "I agree",
      "secondaryLinkText" : null,
      "linkUrl" : "",
      "secondaryLinkUrl" : null,
      "description" : "While there is no way to make any setting 100% safe, the Carolina Theatre of Durham has upgraded our HVAC systems and filtration to provide the safest air possible and increased our cleaning to GBAC Star-certified COVID standards. While not required, we also strongly suggest that face coverings be worn, regardless of vaccination status, unless actively eating or drinking. By clicking “I agree” below, you are acknowledging that health or safety requirements are subject to change and may be different by the time of your event. Please note, entry requirements are subject to change.",
      "linkText" : "Terms of Use",
      "title" : "Important Note"
    "eventEndLocalDate" : "2022-06-25"

Events Feed

  • Discovery Feed Events (array) - Events .
    • {arrayitemobject} - event
      • eventId (string) - Unique ID for the event
      • legacyEventId (string) – unique ID of the event (old format)
      • primaryEventUrl(string) – URL of the event detail page
      • resaleEventUrl (string) – URL to buy resale tickets for the event
      • eventName (string) - Name of the event
      • eventNotes (string) - Notes for the event
      • eventStatus (string) - Status of the event
        • onsale: an event is currently within boundaries of a public onsale timeframe
        • offsale: an event is not yet reached (or is past) the timeframe of a public onsale. (Note: inventory may still be available for purchase if there is an active presale)
        • rescheduled: event has a new date and event will appear as on sale to the public if inventory is available
        • postponed: event will no longer take place on the day originally scheduled, but a new date has not yet been arranged; postponed events are typically no longer onsale to the public
        • cancelled: event has been cancelled and will not appear on sale to the public.
      • eventImageUrl (string) – Public URL of the event image
      • eventInfo (string) - Event Information
      • eventStartDateTime (string) – Event start date/time (UTC format)
      • eventEndDateTime (string) – Event end date/time (UTC format)
      • eventStartLocalDate (string) – Event date in the venue’s timezone MM/DD/YY format
      • eventStartLocalTime (string) – Event start time in the venue’s timezone HH:MM format
      • promoters (array) - Promoters
        • {arrayitemobject} - Promoter
          • id (string)
          • name (string)
          • description (string)
      • venue (object) - Venue
        • venueName (string) – Name of the venue
        • legacyVenueId (string) – unique ID of the venue (old format)
        • venueId (string) – Unique ID of the venue
        • venueStreet (string) – Address of the venue
        • venueCity (string) – City of the venue
        • venueStateCode (string) – State/Province of the venue
        • venueCountryCode (string) – Country of the venue
        • venueLatitude (string) – Latitude of the venue
        • venueLongitude (string) – Longitude of the venue
        • venueZipCode (string) – Postal code/zipcode of the venue
        • venueTimezone (string) – Timezone of the venue
        • venueUrl (string) – URL of the venue detail page
        • accessible_seating_detail (string) – Accessibility seat details displayed on the Venue Details page
        • ada_phone - (string)` Accessibility service phone number displayed on the Event Info page
        • ada_custom_copy (string) Additional accessibility service information displayed on the Event Info page
        • ada_hours (string) Accessibility service hours displayed on the Event Info page
      • attractions (array) - Attractions
        • {arrayitemobject} - Attraction
          • attractionUrl (string) – URL of the attraction detail page
          • attractionName (string) – list of attraction names
          • legacyAttractionId (string) – unique ID of the attraction (old format)
          • attractionId (string) – list of unique attraction IDs
          • attractionImageUrl (string) – list of attraction image URLs
          • classificationSegmentId(string) - Segment Id
          • classificationSegment(string) - A Segment is a primary genre for an attraction
          • classificationGenreId(string) - Genre Id
          • classificationGenre(string) - Secondary Genre to further describe an attraction
          • classificationSubGenreId(string) - Sub Genre Id
          • classificationSubGenre(string) - Tertiary Genre for additional detail when describing an attraction
          • classificationTypeId(string) - Classification Type Id
          • classificationType(string) - A Type represents a kind of attraction
          • classificationSubTypeId(string) - Classification Sub Type Id
          • classificationSubType (string) - Secondary Type to further categorize an attraction
          • images (array) - Images
            • {arrayitemobject} - Image
              • ratio (string)
              • url (string)
              • width (string)
              • height (string)
              • fallback (string)
      • minPrice (string) – Minimum price
      • maxPrice (string) – Maximum price
      • currency (string) – Currency
      • onsaleStartDateTime (string) – Event onsale start date/time UTC format
      • onsaleEndDateTime (string) – Event onsale end date/time UTC format
      • classificationSegment (string) - A Segment is a primary genre for an entity Music, Sports, Arts, etc)
      • classificationGenre (string) - Secondary Genre to further describe an entity (Rock, Classical, Animation, etc)
      • classificationSubGenre (string) - Tertiary Genre for additional detail when describing an entity (Alternative Rock,Ambient Pop, etc)
      • presaleName (string) – (Deprecated : Please use the presales object below for details on presales)
      • presaleDateTimeRange (string) – (Deprecated : Please use the presales object below for details on presales)
      • presales (object) - Presales
        • presaleName (string) – list of presale names
        • presaleDescription (string) – list of presale descriptions
        • presaleStartDateTime (string) – list of presale start/date times (UTC format)
        • presaleEndDateTime (string) – list of presale end/date times (UTC format)
      • source (string) – source ticketing platform of event
      • classificationType (string) - A Type represents a kind or group of people. (Donation, Group, Individual, Merchandise, Event Style, etc)
      • classificationSubType (string) - Secondary Type to further categorize an entity (Band, Choir, Chorus, etc)
      • hotevent (string) – Indicates the event/artist is one of the Top Selling artists within the past 7 days, by market. Updated daily.
      • transactable (string) – Indicates if the event can be purchased through the api.
      • accessibility_info (string) - Accessibility information displayed on the ISM
      • apiOnsaleStartDateTime (string) - Indicates the date/time partners can begin transacting. The current configuration is 60 min past the ONSALE_START_DATETIME
      • healthCheck (object) - Health Check Information
        • summary (string) – Information if health check is required
        • description (string) – Details about the health check
        • learnMoreUrl (string) – Url to learn more about the health check
      • importantInformation (object) - Notes regarding event policies or safety or other important requirements
        • buttonText(string) - Text to display on the button
        • secondaryLinkText (string)- Text for secondary link if any
        • linkUrl(string) - URL to the link if any available
        • secondaryLinkUrl(string) - URL to the Secondary link if any available
        • description (string) - Detailed description of the note
        • linkText(string) - Link text of the note
        • title(string) - Title of the note
      • eventEndLocalDate(string) - Event end date in the venue’s timezone MM/DD/YY format