Discovery API

V 2.0

Search and look up events, attractions, venues and classifications across all supported sources, markets and locales.



To run a successful API call, you will need to pass your API Key in the apikey query parameter. Your API Key should automatically appear in all URLs throughout this portal.


Without a valid API Key, you will receive a 401 Status Code with the following response:

    "fault": {
        "faultstring": "Invalid ApiKey",
        "detail": {
            "errorcode": "oauth.v2.InvalidApiKey"

Root URL

Event Sources

The API provides access to content sourced from various platform, including Ticketmaster, Universe, FrontGate Tickets and Ticketmaster Resale (TMR). By default, the API returns events from all sources. To specify a specifc source(s), use the &source= parameter. Multiple, comma separated values are OK.

Event Coverage

With over 230K+ events available in the API, coverage spans different countries, including United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, other European countries, and more. More events and more countries are added on continuous basis.

event map


Get a list of all events in the United States{apikey}

Search for events sourced by Universe in the United States with keyword “devjam”{apikey}

Search for music events in the Los Angeles area{apikey}

Get a list of all events for Adele in Canada{apikey}

Search Events

Method: GET. Authentication required. Returns the 20 most recent events for the authenticating user.


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
keyword A string to search against event’s name. Partial word will not be found. ex: keyword=Mado will not found event with name: Madonna string   No
attractionId Attraction ID(s) separated by comma. string “K8vZ91713eV” No
venueId Venue ID(s) separated by comma. string “KovZpZAEdFtJ” No
postalCode Zipcode or Postal Code of the venue in which the event is taking place. This is text-based search, not location-based search. Use lat/long + radius search for nearby events. string “90069” No
latlong The Latitude, Longitude coordinates for the venue in which this event is taking place. string “34.0928090,-118.3286610” No
radius The radius of the area in which we want to search for events. string “25” No
unit The radius distance unit. Possible values: miles, km. string “miles” No
source Source of the event. Possible values are ‘ticketmaster’, ‘frontgate’, ‘universe’. string “ticketmaster” No
locale There is no fallback mechanism, so it’s possible you will not have values in multi-lingual fields string   No
marketId The city/metro area in which this event takes place. string “27” No
startDateTime Include events happening after this date. string “2017-01-01T00:00:00Z” No
endDateTime Include events happening before this date. string “2017-01-01T00:00:00Z” No
includeTBA Whether or not to return events with dates to be announced (TBA). Default is ‘no’, TBA events are not returned. string “yes|no|only” No
includeTBD Whether or not to return events with dates to be determined (TBD). Default is ‘no’, TBD events are not returned. string “yes|no|only” No
includeTest Whether or not to return test events. Default is ‘no’, test events are not returned. string “yes|no|only” No
size The number of events returned in the API response. (Max 500) string “10” No
page The page for paginating through the results. string “1” No
sort The search sort criteria. Values: “”, “eventDate,date.desc”, “eventDate,date.asc”, “name,date.desc”, “name,date.asc”. string   No
onsaleStartDateTime Include events going onsale after this date. string “2017-01-01T00:00:00Z” No
onsaleEndDateTime Include events going onsale before this date. string “2017-01-01T00:00:00Z” No
city city string   No
countryCode ISO value for the country in which you want to query events in. Possible values are: ‘US’, ‘CA’, ‘AU’, ‘NZ’, ‘MX’. string “MX” No
stateCode stateCode string   No
classificationName any classification name - segment - genre - sub-genre string   No
classificationId any classification id - segment - genre - sub-genre string   No
dmaId dmaId string   No

Response structure:

  • _embedded (object) - container for events.
    • events (array) - events.
      • {array item object} - event.
        • name (string) - name of event.
        • type (string) - type of event.
        • id (string) - id of event.
        • test (boolean) - is test.
        • locale (string) - locale of event.
        • url (string) - links to event detail page.
        • pleaseNote (string) - event’s note.
        • priceRanges (array) - priceRanges.
          • {array item object} - priceRange.
            • type (string) - price type (“standard”)
            • currency (string) - currency
            • min (number) - minimum price
            • max (number) - maximum price
        • promoter (object) - promoter.
          • id (string) - promoter id.
        • info (string) - event’s information.
        • images (array) - images.
          • {array item object} - image.
            • ratio (string) - image ratio.
            • url (string) - image url.
            • width (number) - image width.
            • height (number) - image height.
            • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
        • sales (object) - sales.
          • public (object) - public sales.
            • startDateTime (string) - date and time start of public sales.
            • startTBD (boolean) - is start TBD.
            • endDateTime (string) - date and time end of public sales.
        • dates (object) - dates of event.
          • access (object) - access
            • startDateTime (string) - start date time
            • startApproximate (boolean) - start approximate
            • endDateTime (string) - end date time
            • endApproximate (boolean) - end approximate
          • end (object) - start of event.
            • approximate (boolean) - is approximate.
            • dateTime (string) - date and time end of event.
          • start (object) - start of event.
            • dateTime (string) - date and time start of event.
            • localDate (string) - local date start of event.
            • localTime (string) - local time start of event.
            • dateTBD (boolean) - is date TBD.
            • dateTBA (boolean) - is date TBA.
            • timeTBA (boolean) - is time TBA.
            • noSpecificTime (boolean) - is no specific time.
          • timezone (string) - time zone of event.
          • status (object) - status of event.
            • code (string) - code of status.
        • classifications (array) - classifications.
          • {array item object} - classification.
            • primary (boolean) - is primary.
            • segment (object) - segment.
              • id (string) - segment id.
              • name (string) - segment name.
            • genre (object) - genre.
              • id (string) - genre id.
              • name (string) - genre name.
            • subGenre (object) - subgenre.
              • id (string) - subgenre id.
              • name (string) - subgenre name.
        • _links (object) - links to event.
          • self (object) - link to this event.
            • href (string) - reference.
          • attractions (object) - links to event attractions.
            • {array item object} - link.
              • href (string) - reference to event attraction.
          • venue (object) - link to event venues.
            • {array item object} - link.
              • href (string) - reference to event venue.
        • _embedded (object) - container for related items.
          • venue (array) - related venues.
            • {array item object} - venue.
              • name (string) - name of event venue.
              • type (string) - type of current venue.
              • id (string) - id of current venue.
              • test (boolean) - is test.
              • locale (string) - locale of event.
              • postalCode (string) - postal code of venue.
              • timeZone (string) - time zone of event.
              • markets (array) - markets.
                • {array item object} - market.
                  • id (string) - market id.
              • country (object) - country of venue.
                • name (string) - name of country.
                • countryCode (string) - country code of venue.
              • state (object) - state of venue.
                • name (string) - name of state.
                • stateCode (string) - state code of venue.
              • city (object) - city of venue.
                • name (string) - city name of venue.
              • location (object) - location of venue.
                • latitude (string) - latitude of venue.
                • longitude (string) - longitude of venue.
              • address (object) - address of venue.
                • line1 (string) - street name.
                • line2 (string) - city and state code where event happen.
              • _links (object) - links.
                • self (object) - link to this venue.
                  • href (string) - reference.
          • attractions (array) - related attractions.
            • {array item object} - event attractions.
              • url (string) - url to event attraction.
              • image (object) - images of attraction.
                • url (string) - images url of event.
              • name (string) - name of event attraction.
              • _links (object) - links to attractions.
                • self (object) - link to this attraction.
                  • href (string) - reference.
              • id (string) - id of current attraction.
              • type (string) - type of current attraction.
              • test (boolean) - is test.
              • locale (string) - locale of event.
              • images (array) - images.
                • {array item object} - image.
                  • ratio (string) - image ratio.
                  • url (string) - image url.
                  • width (number) - image width.
                  • height (number) - image height.
                  • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
              • classifications (array) - classifications.
                • {array item object} - classification.
                  • primary (boolean) - is primary.
                  • segment (object) - segment.
                    • id (string) - segment id.
                    • name (string) - segment name.
                  • genre (object) - genre.
                    • id (string) - genre id.
                    • name (string) - genre name.
                  • subGenre (object) - subgenre.
                    • id (string) - subgenre id.
                    • name (string) - subgenre name.
  • _links (object) - links to data sets.
    • self (object) - link to this data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - ability to be templated.
    • next (object) - link to the next data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - ability to be templated.
  • page (object) - information about current page in data source.
    • size (number) - size of page.
    • totalElements (number) - total number of available elements in server.
    • totalPages (number) - total number of available pages in server.
    • number (number) - current page number counted from 0.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/events.json?apikey={apikey}&size=1 HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 5360
Rate-Limit-Available: 4723
Set-Cookie: CMPS=0ytJbt229sTM7UXhHxC5IEvVNguFRwkBBUZ76aK9bmvRvAWZwe/RjM5TSH0yOXNFGd+urQFTC6o=; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:09:51 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "_links":  {
    "self":  {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/events.json?size=1{&page,sort}",
      "templated": true
    "next":  {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/events.json?page=1&size=1{&sort}",
      "templated": true
  "_embedded":  {
    "events":  [
        "name": "WGC Cadillac Championship - Sunday Ticket",
        "type": "event",
        "id": "vvG1VZKS5pr1qy",
        "test": false,
        "url": "",
        "locale": "en-us",
        "images":  [
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 1136,
            "height": 639,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "3_2",
            "url": "",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 427,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 2048,
            "height": 1152,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 1024,
            "height": 576,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 205,
            "height": 115,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "3_2",
            "url": "",
            "width": 305,
            "height": 203,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 360,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "4_3",
            "url": "",
            "width": 305,
            "height": 225,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 100,
            "height": 56,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "3_2",
            "url": "",
            "width": 1024,
            "height": 683,
            "fallback": false
        "sales":  {
          "public":  {
            "startDateTime": "2015-10-02T11:00:00Z",
            "startTBD": false,
            "endDateTime": "2016-03-06T23:00:00Z"
        "dates":  {
          "start":  {
            "localDate": "2016-03-06",
            "dateTBD": false,
            "dateTBA": false,
            "timeTBA": true,
            "noSpecificTime": false
          "timezone": "America/New_York",
          "status":  {
            "code": "offsale"
        "classifications":  [
            "primary": true,
            "segment":  {
              "id": "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nE",
              "name": "Sports"
            "genre":  {
              "id": "KnvZfZ7vAdt",
              "name": "Golf"
            "subGenre":  {
              "id": "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7vFI7",
              "name": "PGA Tour"
        "promoter":  {
          "id": "682"
        "_links":  {
          "self":  {
            "href": "/discovery/v2/events/vvG1VZKS5pr1qy?locale=en-us"
          "attractions":  [
              "href": "/discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ917uc57?locale=en-us"
          "venues":  [
              "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZAaEldA?locale=en-us"
        "_embedded":  {
          "venues":  [
              "name": "Trump National Doral",
              "type": "venue",
              "id": "KovZpZAaEldA",
              "test": false,
              "locale": "en-us",
              "postalCode": "33178",
              "timezone": "America/New_York",
              "city":  {
                "name": "Miami"
              "state":  {
                "name": "Florida",
                "stateCode": "FL"
              "country":  {
                "name": "United States Of America",
                "countryCode": "US"
              "address":  {
                "line1": "4400 NW 87th Avenue"
              "location":  {
                "longitude": "-80.33854298",
                "latitude": "25.81260379"
              "markets":  [
                  "id": "15"
              "_links":  {
                "self":  {
                  "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZAaEldA?locale=en-us"
          "attractions":  [
              "name": "Cadillac Championship",
              "type": "attraction",
              "id": "K8vZ917uc57",
              "test": false,
              "locale": "en-us",
              "images":  [
                  "ratio": "16_9",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 1136,
                  "height": 639,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "3_2",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 640,
                  "height": 427,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "16_9",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 2048,
                  "height": 1152,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "16_9",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 1024,
                  "height": 576,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "16_9",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 205,
                  "height": 115,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "3_2",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 305,
                  "height": 203,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "16_9",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 640,
                  "height": 360,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "4_3",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 305,
                  "height": 225,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "16_9",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 100,
                  "height": 56,
                  "fallback": false
                  "ratio": "3_2",
                  "url": "",
                  "width": 1024,
                  "height": 683,
                  "fallback": false
              "classifications":  [
                  "primary": true,
                  "segment":  {
                    "id": "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nE",
                    "name": "Sports"
                  "genre":  {
                    "id": "KnvZfZ7vAdt",
                    "name": "Golf"
                  "subGenre":  {
                    "id": "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7vFI7",
                    "name": "PGA Tour"
              "_links":  {
                "self":  {
                  "href": "/discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ917uc57?locale=en-us"
  "page":  {
    "size": 1,
    "totalElements": 87958,
    "totalPages": 87958,
    "number": 0

Get Event Details

Method: GET. Authentication required. Returns the event detail by event ID.


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
id Event ID. Required. string “1A4ZAZyGkeUYKaO” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string “en-us” No

Response structure:

  • _embedded (object) - container for related items.
    • attractions (array) - related attractions.
      • {array item object} - event attractions.
        • _links (object) - links to attractions.
          • self (object) - link to this attraction.
            • href (string) - reference.
        • classifications (array) - classifications.
          • {array item object} - classification.
            • primary (boolean) - is primary.
            • segment (object) - segment.
              • id (string) - segment id.
              • name (string) - segment name.
            • genre (object) - genre.
              • id (string) - genre id.
              • name (string) - genre name.
            • subGenre (object) - subgenre.
              • id (string) - subgenre id.
              • name (string) - subgenre name.
        • id (string) - id of current attraction.
        • images (array) - images.
          • {array item object} - image.
            • ratio (string) - image ratio.
            • url (string) - image url.
            • width (number) - image width.
            • height (number) - image height.
            • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
        • name (string) - name of event attraction.
        • locale (string) - locale of event.
        • test (boolean) - is test.
        • type (string) - type of current attraction.
        • url (string) - url to event attraction.
    • venue (array) - related venues.
      • {array item object} - venue.
        • _links (object) - links.
          • self (object) - link to this venue.
            • href (string) - reference.
        • address (object) - address of venue.
          • line1 (string) - street name.
          • line2 (string) - city and state code where event happen.
        • city (object) - city of venue.
          • name (string) - city name of venue.
        • country (object) - country of venue.
          • countryCode (string) - country code of venue.
        • id (string) - id of current venue.
        • locale (string) - locale of event.
        • location (object) - location of venue.
          • latitude (string) - latitude of venue.
          • longitude (string) - longitude of venue.
        • markets (array) - markets.
          • {array item object} - market.
            • id (string) - market id.
        • name (string) - name of event venue.
        • postalCode (string) - postal code of venue.
        • state (object) - state of venue.
          • stateCode (string) - state code of venue.
        • type (string) - type of current venue.
        • test (boolean) - is test.
        • timeZone (string) - time zone of event.
        • url (string) - links to venue.
  • _links (object) - links to event.
    • self (object) - link to this event.
      • href (string) - reference.
    • attractions (object) - links to event attractions.
      • {array item object} - link.
        • href (string) - reference to event attraction.
    • venue (object) - link to event venues.
      • {array item object} - link.
        • href (string) - reference to event venue.
  • classifications (array) - classifications.
    • {array item object} - classification.
      • primary (boolean) - is primary.
      • segment (object) - segment.
        • id (string) - segment id.
        • name (string) - segment name.
      • genre (object) - genre.
        • id (string) - genre id.
        • name (string) - genre name.
      • subGenre (object) - subgenre.
        • id (string) - subgenre id.
        • name (string) - subgenre name.
  • dates (object) - dates of event.
    • access (object) - access
      • startDateTime (string) - start date time
      • startApproximate (boolean) - start approximate
      • endDateTime (string) - end date time
      • endApproximate (boolean) - end approximate
    • end (object) - start of event.
      • approximate (boolean) - is approximate.
      • dateTime (string) - date and time end of event.
    • start (object) - start of event.
      • dateTime (string) - date and time start of event.
      • localDate (string) - local date start of event.
      • localTime (string) - local time start of event.
      • dateTBD (boolean) - is date TBD.
      • dateTBA (boolean) - is date TBA.
      • timeTBA (boolean) - is time TBA.
      • noSpecificTime (boolean) - is no specific time.
    • timezone (string) - time zone of event.

    • status (object) - status of event.
      • code (string) - code of status.
  • id (string) - id of event.
  • images (array) - images.
    • {array item object} - image.
      • ratio (string) - image ratio.
      • url (string) - image url.
      • width (number) - image width.
      • height (number) - image height.
      • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
  • info (string) - event’s information.
  • locale (string) - locale of event.
  • name (string) - name of event.
  • pleaseNote (string) - event’s note.
  • priceRanges (array) - priceRanges.
    • {array item object} - priceRange.
      • type (string) - price type (“standard”)
      • currency (string) - currency
      • min (number) - minimum price
      • max (number) - maximum price
  • promoter (object) - promoter.
    • id (string) - promoter id.
  • sales (object) - sales.
    • public (object) - public sales.
      • startDateTime (string) - date and time start of public sales.
      • startTBD (boolean) - is start TBD.
      • endDateTime (string) - date and time end of public sales.
  • test (boolean) - is test.
  • type (string) - type of event.
  • url (string) - links to event detail page.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/events/G5diZfkn0B-bh.json?apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 5555
Rate-Limit-Available: 4722
Set-Cookie: CMPS=cE7N5yujrQNGYWvJF3bAH6iRNHwAv0FDp5i1VDetaW6+WW5OZTOBve6ZQCpN9qCv; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:12:45 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "_embedded": {
    "venues": [
        "name": "Madison Square Garden",
        "type": "venue",
        "id": "KovZpZA7AAEA",
        "test": false,
        "url": "",
        "locale": "en-us",
        "postalCode": "10001",
        "timezone": "America/New_York",
        "city": {
          "name": "New York"
        "state": {
          "name": "New York",
          "stateCode": "NY"
        "country": {
          "name": "United States Of America",
          "countryCode": "US"
        "address": {
          "line1": "7th Ave & 32nd Street"
        "location": {
          "longitude": "-73.99160060",
          "latitude": "40.74970620"
        "markets": [
            "id": "35"
            "id": "51"
            "id": "55"
            "id": "124"
        "dmas": [
            "id": 200
            "id": 296
            "id": 345
            "id": 422
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZA7AAEA?locale=en-us"
    "attractions": [
        "name": "Radiohead",
        "type": "attraction",
        "id": "K8vZ91713wV",
        "test": false,
        "url": "",
        "locale": "en-us",
        "images": [
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 205,
            "height": 115,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 1136,
            "height": 639,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 640,
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            "url": "",
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            "ratio": "3_2",
            "url": "",
            "width": 640,
            "height": 427,
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            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 1024,
            "height": 576,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "3_2",
            "url": "",
            "width": 305,
            "height": 203,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "16_9",
            "url": "",
            "width": 2048,
            "height": 1152,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "3_2",
            "url": "",
            "width": 1024,
            "height": 683,
            "fallback": false
            "ratio": "4_3",
            "url": "",
            "width": 305,
            "height": 225,
            "fallback": false
        "classifications": [
            "primary": true,
            "segment": {
              "id": "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nJ",
              "name": "Music"
            "genre": {
              "id": "KnvZfZ7vAeA",
              "name": "Rock"
            "subGenre": {
              "id": "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7v6dt",
              "name": "Alternative Rock"
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ91713wV?locale=en-us"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/events/G5diZfkn0B-bh?locale=en-us"
    "attractions": [
        "href": "/discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ91713wV?locale=en-us"
    "venues": [
        "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZA7AAEA?locale=en-us"
  "classifications": [
      "primary": true,
      "segment": {
        "id": "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nJ",
        "name": "Music"
      "genre": {
        "id": "KnvZfZ7vAeA",
        "name": "Rock"
      "subGenre": {
        "id": "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7v6dt",
        "name": "Alternative Rock"
  "dates": {
    "start": {
      "localDate": "2016-07-27",
      "localTime": "19:30:00",
      "dateTime": "2016-07-27T23:30:00Z",
      "dateTBD": false,
      "dateTBA": false,
      "timeTBA": false,
      "noSpecificTime": false
    "timezone": "America/New_York",
    "status": {
      "code": "onsale"
  "id": "G5diZfkn0B-bh",
  "images": [
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 205,
      "height": 115,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1136,
      "height": 639,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 360,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 100,
      "height": 56,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 427,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 576,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 305,
      "height": 203,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 2048,
      "height": 1152,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 683,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "4_3",
      "url": "",
      "width": 305,
      "height": 225,
      "fallback": false
  "locale": "en-us",
  "name": "Radiohead",
  "pleaseNote": "No tickets will be delivered prior to April 18th. Tickets are not available at the box office on the first day of the public on sale. ARRIVE EARLY: Please arrive one-hour prior to showtime. All packages, including briefcases and pocketbooks, will be inspected prior to entry.",
  "priceRanges": [
      "type": "standard",
      "currency": "USD",
      "min": 80,
      "max": 80
  "promoter": {
    "id": "494"
  "sales": {
    "public": {
      "startDateTime": "2016-03-18T14:00:00Z",
      "startTBD": false,
      "endDateTime": "2016-07-27T21:30:00Z"
  "test": false,
  "type": "event",
  "url": ""

Get Event Images

Method: GET. Authentication required. Returns all the images for an event by ID. If an event does not have an image for a supported resolution, the event’s major category image will be returned instead.


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
id Event ID. Required. string “1A4ZAZyGkeUYKaO” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string “en-us” No

Response structure:

  • type (string) - type of images set
  • id (string) - id of event
  • images (array) - images.
    • {array item object} - image.
      • ratio (string) - image ratio.
      • url (string) - image url.
      • width (number) - image width.
      • height (number) - image height.
      • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
  • _links (object) - links to images data set.
    • self (object) - link to this images set.
      • href (string) - reference.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/events/0B004F0401BD55E5/images.json?apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 1791
Rate-Limit-Available: 4721
Set-Cookie: CMPS=JZE+KB6vdvAgtu5+7+q5LjU8d3RbODYo2jv3r5+vwk0BcMxjtg3kAFdo3D2gFulS; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:15:18 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "type": "event",
  "id": "k7vGFKzleBdwS",
  "images":  [
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 100,
      "height": 56,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 305,
      "height": 203,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 2048,
      "height": 1152,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1136,
      "height": 639,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 683,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "4_3",
      "url": "",
      "width": 305,
      "height": 225,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 205,
      "height": 115,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 427,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 360,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 576,
      "fallback": false
  "_links":  {
    "self":  {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/events/k7vGFKzleBdwS/images?locale=en-us"

Search Attractions

Method: GET. Authentication required. Search Attractions!


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
keyword A string to search against events, attractions and venues. The keyword will be checked against titles, descriptions, names and other logical fields that describe any of these data objects. string   No
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string   No
size The number of events returned in the API response. string “20” No
page The page for paginating through the results. string “1” No
sort The search sort criteria. Values: “name,desc”, “name,asc”. string   No

Response structure:

  • _embedded (object) - container attractions.
    • attractions (array) - attractions.
      • {array item object} - attraction.
        • _links (object) - links to attractions.
          • self (object) - link to this attraction.
            • href (string) - reference.
        • classifications (array) - classifications.
          • {array item object} - classification.
            • primary (boolean) - is primary.
            • segment (object) - segment.
              • id (string) - segment id.
              • name (string) - segment name.
            • genre (object) - genre.
              • id (string) - genre id.
              • name (string) - genre name.
            • subGenre (object) - subgenre.
              • id (string) - subgenre id.
              • name (string) - subgenre name.
        • id (string) - id of current attraction.
        • images (array) - images.
          • {array item object} - image.
            • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
            • height (number) - image height.
            • ratio (string) - image ratio.
            • url (string) - image url.
            • width (number) - image width.
        • locale (string) - locale of event.
        • name (string) - name of event attraction.
        • test (boolean) - is test.
        • type (string) - type of current attraction.
        • url (string) - url to event attraction.
  • _links (object) - links to attractions data set.
    • self (object) - link to this data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - is templated.
    • next (object) - link to the next data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - is templated.
    • next (object) - link to the next attraction.
  • page (object) - information about current page in data source.
    • size (number) - size of page.
    • totalElements (number) - total number of available elements in server.
    • totalPages (number) - total number of available pages in server.
    • number (number) - current page number counted from 0.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/attractions.json?size=1&apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 2306
Rate-Limit-Available: 4719
Set-Cookie: CMPS=twsJFiJCd9puX3QeIpWdz1Co+AFBb0GGb2S5IpJoKGFAy6VVeUUgAfUsgfrWYV89; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:17:30 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "_links":  {},
  "_embedded":  {
    "attractions":  [
        "name": "!!!",
        "type": "attraction",
        "id": "K8vZ9175BhV",
        "test": false,
        "locale": "en-us",
        "images":  [],
        "classifications":  [
            "primary": true,
            "segment":  {
              "id": "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nJ",
              "name": "Music"
            "genre":  {
              "id": "KnvZfZ7vAeA",
              "name": "Rock"
            "subGenre":  {
              "id": "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7v6F1",
              "name": "Pop"
        "_links":  {
          "self":  {
            "href": "/discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ9175BhV?locale=en-us"
  "page":  {
    "size": 1,
    "totalElements": 162165,
    "totalPages": 162165,
    "number": 0

Get Attraction Details

Method: GET. Authentication required. Search Attractions!


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
id Attraction ID. string “K8vZ917G7x0” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string   No
source source string   No

Response structure:

  • _links (object) - links to attractions.
    • self (object) - link to this attraction.
      • href (string) - reference.
  • classifications (array) - classifications.
    • {array item object} - classification.
      • primary (boolean) - is primary.
      • segment (object) - segment.
        • id (string) - segment id.
        • name (string) - segment name.
      • genre (object) - genre.
        • id (string) - genre id.
        • name (string) - genre name.
      • subGenre (object) - subgenre.
        • id (string) - subgenre id.
        • name (string) - subgenre name.
  • id (string) - id of current attraction.
  • images (array) - images.
    • {array item object} - image.
      • ratio (string) - image ratio.
      • url (string) - image url.
      • width (number) - image width.
      • height (number) - image height.
      • fallback (boolean) - image fallback availability.
  • locale (string) - locale of event.
  • name (string) - name of event attraction.
  • test (boolean) - is test.
  • type (string) - type of current attraction.
  • url (string) - url to event attraction.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ9175BhV.json?apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 2019
Rate-Limit-Available: 4715
Set-Cookie: CMPS=5vv+AGPecM7pv5Q4MmLBniGH0DBXyfh68w9nYydgerFjBhsCrQs1DbTINMWnUgrDL0UGMYDHSDc=; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:21:02 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jash1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "name": "!!!",
  "type": "attraction",
  "id": "K8vZ9175BhV",
  "test": false,
  "locale": "en-us",
  "images":  [
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 100,
      "height": 56,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "4_3",
      "url": "",
      "width": 305,
      "height": 225,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 305,
      "height": 203,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 360,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 2048,
      "height": 1152,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 576,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1136,
      "height": 639,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 427,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "16_9",
      "url": "",
      "width": 205,
      "height": 115,
      "fallback": false
      "ratio": "3_2",
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 683,
      "fallback": false
  "classifications":  [
      "primary": true,
      "segment":  {
        "id": "KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nJ",
        "name": "Music"
      "genre":  {
        "id": "KnvZfZ7vAeA",
        "name": "Rock"
      "subGenre":  {
        "id": "KZazBEonSMnZfZ7v6F1",
        "name": "Pop"
  "_links":  {
    "self":  {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/attractions/K8vZ9175BhV?locale=en-us"

Search Classifications

Method: GET. Authentication required. Search Classifications!


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
keyword A string to search against events, attractions and venues. The keyword will be checked against titles, descriptions, names and other logical fields that describe any of these data objects. string   No
classificationID classification ID string   No
size The number of events returned in the API response. string “20” No
page The page for paginating through the results. string “1” No
sort The search sort criteria. Values: “”, “name,desc”, “name,asc”. string   No

Response structure:

  • _embedded (object) - container for classifications.
    • classifications (array) - classifications.
      • {array item object} - classification.
        • _links (object) - links to classifications data sets.
          • self (object) - link to this data set.
            • href (string) - reference.
        • segment (object) - segment.
          • _embedded (object) - container for genres.
            • genres (array) - genres.
              • {array item object} - genres.
                • _links (object) - links to genre.
                  • self (object) - link to this genre.
                    • href (string) - reference.
                • _embedded (object) - container for subgenres.
                  • subgenres (array) - subgenres.
                    • {array item object} - subgenre.
                      • _links (object) - links to subgenre.
                        • self (object) - link to this subgenre.
                          • href (string) - reference.
                      • id (string) - genre id.
                      • name (string) - genre name.
                • id (string) - genre id.
                • name (string) - genre name.
          • _links (object) - links to segments.
            • self (object) - link to this segments.
              • href (string) - reference.
  • _links (object) - links to classifications data sets.
    • self (object) - link to this data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - ability to be templated.
    • next (object) - link to the next data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - ability to be templated.
  • page (object) - information about current page in data source.
    • size (number) - size of page.
    • totalElements (number) - total number of available elements in server.
    • totalPages (number) - total number of available pages in server.
    • number (number) - current page number counted from 0.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/classifications.json?apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 1093
Rate-Limit-Available: 4714
Set-Cookie: CMPS=X+EBiEvRM0syS+stL/cX/gsj/b+Ekp+ax1Y1UXwHF4W4DqB22Y2rXsf00GJCnetC; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:23:47 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

               "name":"Arts & Theatre",
                        "name":"Magic & Illusion",

Get Classification Details

Method: GET. Authentication required. Returns the classification detail by ID.


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
id Category ID. string “KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7na” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string   No

Response structure:

  • _links (object) - links to classifications data sets.
    • self (object) - link to this data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
  • segment (object) - segment.
    • _embedded (object) - container for genres.
      • genres (array) - genres.
        • {array item object} - genres.
          • _links (object) - links to genre.
            • self (object) - link to this genre.
              • href (string) - reference.
          • _embedded (object) - container for subgenres.
            • subgenres (array) - subgenres.
              • {array item object} - subgenre.
                • _links (object) - links to subgenre.
                  • self (object) - link to this subgenre.
                    • href (string) - reference.
                • id (string) - genre id.
                • name (string) - genre name.
          • id (string) - genre id.
          • name (string) - genre name.
    • _links (object) - links to segments.
      • self (object) - link to this segments.
        • href (string) - reference.
    • id (string) - segment id.
    • name (string) - segment name.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/classifications/KZFzniwnSyZfZ7v7nE?apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 146
Rate-Limit-Available: 4704
Set-Cookie: CMPS=knuzxOVcqdhMvUWKhD1HJcR5XXSZVELJc0IG2tQ2a6fPIMvDGc3jQaIZwf8n3jmw; path=/
Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:33:15 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

               "name":"Roller Hockey",
                        "name":"Roller Hockey",
                        "name":"Rugby League",
                        "name":"Rugby Union",
               "name":"Ice Skating",
                        "name":"Ice Skating",
               "name":"Martial Arts",
                        "name":"Mixed Martial Arts",
               "name":"Indoor Soccer",
                        "name":"Indoor Soccer",
                        "name":"High School",
                        "name":"Minor League",
               "name":"Athletic Races",
                        "name":"Athletic Races",
               "name":"Table Tennis",
                        "name":"Table Tennis",
               "name":"Ski Jumping",
                        "name":"Ski Jumping",
                        "name":"Cross Country",
                        "name":"Nordic Combined",
                        "name":"Horse Racing",
                        "name":"Men Professional",
                        "name":"Minor League",
                        "name":"High School",
                        "name":"NBA D League",
                        "name":"Women Professional",
                        "name":"Minor League",
                        "name":"Minor League",
               "name":"Track & Field",
                        "name":"Track & Field",
               "name":"Body Building",
                        "name":"Body Building",
                        "name":"PGA Tour",
                        "name":"PGA B-Tour",
                        "name":"PGA Senior Tour",
                        "name":"Ice Hockey",
                        "name":"Minor League",
                        "name":"High School",
                        "name":"International Rules",

Search Venues

Method: GET. Authentication required. Search Venues!


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
keyword A string to search against events, attractions and venues. The keyword will be checked against titles, descriptions, names and other logical fields that describe any of these data objects. string   No
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string   No
size The number of events returned in the API response. string “10” No
page The page for paginating through the results. string “1” No
sort The search sort criteria. Values: “”, “name,desc”, “name,asc”. string   No
stateCode The state code. string   No
countryCode The country code. string   No
includeTest Include test string, enum:[“yes”,”no”,”only”]   No
source Source string   No

Response structure:

  • _embedded (object) - container for venues.
    • venues (array) - venues.
      • {array item object} - venue.
        • _links (object) - links to venues.
          • self (object) - link to this venue.
            • href (string) - reference.
        • address (object) - address of venue.
          • line1 (string) - address line 1.
          • line2 (string) - address line 2.
        • city (object) - city of venue.
          • name (string) - name of city.
        • country (object) - country.
          • name (string) - name of country.
          • countryCode (string) - code of country.
        • dmas (array) - dmas venue.
          • {array item object} - dmas.
            • id (number) - id.
        • id (string) - id of venue.
        • locale (string) - locale of venue.
        • location (object) - location.
          • longitude (string) - address line 1.
          • latitude (string) - address line 2.
        • postalCode (string) - postal code of venue.
        • markets (array) - markets.
          • {array item object} - market.
            • id (string) - market id.
        • name (string) - name of venue.
        • state (object) - state of venue.
          • name (string) - name of state.
          • stateCode (string) - code of state.
        • test (boolean) - is test event.
        • timeZone (string) - time zone of venue.
        • type (string) - type of venue.
        • url (string) - url to venue.
  • _links (object) - links to venues data set.
    • self (object) - link to this data set.
      • href (string) - reference.
      • templated (boolean) - is templated.
  • page (object) - information about current page in data source.
    • number (number) - current page number counted from 0.
    • size (number) - page size.
    • totalElements (number) - total number of available elements in server.
    • totalPages (number) - total number of available pages in server.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/venues.json?apikey={apikey}&keyword=UCV HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 1241
Rate-Limit-Available: 4646
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Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:07:21 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jash1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "_embedded": {
    "venues": [
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZAFnIEA?locale=en-us"
        "address": {
          "line1": "Crysler Park Marina, 13480 County Rd 2"
        "city": {
          "name": "Morrisburg"
        "country": {
          "name": "Canada",
          "countryCode": "CA"
        "dmas": [
            "id": 519
        "id": "KovZpZAFnIEA",
        "locale": "en-us",
        "location": {
          "longitude": "-75.18702730",
          "latitude": "44.94535340"
        "markets": [
            "id": "103"
        "name": "#1 Please do not use, left over from UCV initial acct set up",
        "postalCode": "K0C1X0",
        "state": {
          "name": "Ontario",
          "stateCode": "ON"
        "test": false,
        "timezone": "America/Toronto",
        "type": "venue",
        "url": ""
        "name": "#2 Please do not use, left over from UCV initial acct set up",
        "type": "venue",
        "id": "KovZpZAFnIJA",
        "test": false,
        "url": "",
        "locale": "en-us",
        "postalCode": "K0C1X0",
        "timezone": "America/Toronto",
        "city": {
          "name": "Morrisburg"
        "state": {
          "name": "Ontario",
          "stateCode": "ON"
        "country": {
          "name": "Canada",
          "countryCode": "CA"
        "address": {
          "line1": "13740 County Road 2"
        "location": {
          "longitude": "-75.18635300",
          "latitude": "44.89937100"
        "markets": [
            "id": "103"
        "dmas": [
            "id": 519
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZAFnIJA?locale=en-us"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/venues.json?view=null&keyword=UCV{&page,size,sort}",
      "templated": true
  "page": {
    "size": 20,
    "totalElements": 2,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "number": 0

Get Venue Details

Method: GET. Authentication required. Returns the venue detail by ID.


URL parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
version The API Version. string “v2” Yes
id Venue ID. string “KovZpZAFnIEA” Yes
format API Response Format. string “json” Yes

Query parameters:

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
locale The event locale, including country and localization. Values: “”, “en-us”, “en-gb”, “en-ca”, “es-us”, “en-mx”, “es-mx”, “en-au”, “en-nz”, “fr-fr”, “fr-ca”. string   No

Response structure:

  • _links (object) - links to venues.
    • self (object) - link to this venue.
      • href (string) - reference.
  • address (object) - address of venue.
    • line1 (string) - address line 1.
    • line2 (string) - address line 2.
  • city (object) - city of venue.
    • name (string) - name of city.
  • country (object) - country.
    • name (string) - name of country.
    • countryCode (string) - code of country.
  • dmas (array) - dmas venue.
    • {array item object} - dmas.
      • id (number) - id.
  • id (string) - id of venue.
  • locale (string) - locale of venue.
  • location (object) - location.
    • longitude (string) - address line 1.
    • latitude (string) - address line 2.
  • markets (array) - markets.
    • {array item object} - market.
      • id (string) - market id.
  • name (string) - name of venue.
  • postalCode (string) - postal code of venue.
  • state (object) - state of venue.
    • name (string) - name of state.
    • stateCode (string) - code of state.
  • test (boolean) - is test event.
  • timeZone (string) - time zone of venue.
  • type (string) - type of venue.
  • url (string) - url to venue.

JavaScript cURL

  dataType: "json",
  success: function(json) {
              // Parse the response.
              // Do other things.
  error: function(xhr, status, err) {
              // This time, we do not end up here!
curl \
--include '{apikey}'

Request Response

GET /discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZAFnIEA.json?apikey={apikey} HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Rate-Limit-Over: 0
Content-Length: 534
Rate-Limit-Available: 4641
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Access-Control-Max-Age: 3628800
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
Connection: keep-alive
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Rate-Limit-Reset: 1457417554290
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: origin, x-requested-with, accept
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:10:53 GMT
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Application-Context: application:local,default,jphx1:8080
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
X-Unknown-Params: apikey
X-Unknown-Params: api-key
Rate-Limit: 5000

  "name": "#1 Please do not use, left over from UCV initial acct set up",
  "type": "venue",
  "id": "KovZpZAFnIEA",
  "test": false,
  "locale": "en-us",
  "postalCode": "K0C1X0",
  "timezone": "America/Toronto",
  "city":  {
    "name": "Morrisburg"
  "state":  {
    "name": "Ontario",
    "stateCode": "ON"
  "country":  {
    "name": "Canada",
    "countryCode": "CA"
  "address":  {
    "line1": "Crysler Park Marina, 13480 County Rd 2"
  "location":  {
    "longitude": "-75.18702730",
    "latitude": "44.94535340"
  "markets":  [
      "id": "103"
  "_links":  {
    "self":  {
      "href": "/discovery/v2/venues/KovZpZAFnIEA?locale=en-us"

Supported Country Codes

This the ISO Alpha-2 Code country values:

Country Code
AD (Andorra)
AI (Anguilla)
AR (Argentina)
AU (Australia)
AT (Austria)
AZ (Azerbaijan)
BS (Bahamas)
BH (Bahrain)
BB (Barbados)
BE (Belgium)
BM (Bermuda)
BR (Brazil)
BG (Bulgaria)
CA (Canada)
CL (Chile)
CN (China)
CO (Colombia)
CR (Costa Rica)
HR (Croatia)
CY (Cyprus)
CZ (Czech Republic)
DK (Denmark)
DO (Dominican Republic)
EC (Ecuador)
EE (Estonia)
FO (Faroe Islands)
FI (Finland)
FR (France)
GE (Georgia)
DE (Germany)
GH (Ghana)
GI (Gibraltar)
GB (Great Britain)
GR (Greece)
HK (Hong Kong)
HU (Hungary)
IS (Iceland)
IN (India)
IE (Ireland)
IL (Israel)
IT (Italy)
JM (Jamaica)
JP (Japan)
KR (Korea, Republic of)
LV (Latvia)
LB (Lebanon)
LT (Lithuania)
LU (Luxembourg)
MY (Malaysia)
MT (Malta)
MX (Mexico)
MC (Monaco)
ME (Montenegro)
MA (Morocco)
NL (Netherlands)
AN (Netherlands Antilles)
NZ (New Zealand)
ND (Northern Ireland)
NO (Norway)
PE (Peru)
PL (Poland)
PT (Portugal)
RO (Romania)
RU (Russian Federation)
LC (Saint Lucia)
SA (Saudi Arabia)
RS (Serbia)
SG (Singapore)
SK (Slovakia)
SI (Slovenia)
ZA (South Africa)
ES (Spain)
SE (Sweden)
CH (Switzerland)
TW (Taiwan)
TH (Thailand)
TT (Trinidad and Tobago)
TR (Turkey)
UA (Ukraine)
AE (United Arab Emirates)
US (United States Of America)
UY (Uruguay)
VE (Venezuela)

Supported Markets

Markets can be used to filter events by larger regional demographic groupings. Each market is typically comprised of several DMAs.


ID Market
1 Birmingham & More
2 Charlotte
3 Chicagoland & Northern IL
4 Cincinnati & Dayton
5 Dallas - Fort Worth & More
6 Denver & More
7 Detroit, Toledo & More
8 El Paso & New Mexico
9 Grand Rapids & More
10 Greater Atlanta Area
11 Greater Boston Area
12 Cleveland, Youngstown & More
13 Greater Columbus Area
14 Greater Las Vegas Area
15 Greater Miami Area
16 Minneapolis/St. Paul & More
17 Greater Orlando Area
18 Greater Philadelphia Area
19 Greater Pittsburgh Area
20 Greater San Diego Area
21 Greater Tampa Area
22 Houston & More
23 Indianapolis & More
24 Iowa
25 Jacksonville & More
26 Kansas City & More
27 Greater Los Angeles Area
28 Louisville & Lexington
29 Memphis, Little Rock & More
30 Milwaukee & WI
31 Nashville, Knoxville & More
33 New England
34 New Orleans & More
35 New York/Tri-State Area
36 Phoenix & Tucson
37 Portland & More
38 Raleigh & Durham
39 Saint Louis & More
40 San Antonio & Austin
41 N. California/N. Nevada
42 Greater Seattle Area
43 North & South Dakota
44 Upstate New York
45 Utah & Montana
46 Virginia
47 Washington, DC and Maryland
48 West Virginia
49 Hawaii
50 Alaska
52 Nebraska
53 Springfield
54 Central Illinois
55 Northern New Jersey
121 South Carolina
122 South Texas
123 Beaumont
124 Connecticut
125 Oklahoma


ID Market
102 Toronto, Hamilton & Area
103 Ottawa & Eastern Ontario
106 Manitoba
107 Edmonton & Northern Alberta
108 Calgary & Southern Alberta
110 B.C. Interior
111 Vancouver & Area
112 Saskatchewan
120 Montréal & Area


ID Market
202 London (UK)
203 South (UK)
204 Midlands and Central (UK)
205 Wales and North West (UK)
206 North and North East (UK)
207 Scotland
208 Ireland
209 Northern Ireland
210 Germany
211 Netherlands
500 Sweden
501 Spain
502 Barcelona (Spain)
503 Madrid (Spain)
600 Turkey

Australia and New Zealand

ID Market
302 New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory
303 Queensland
304 Western Australi
305 Victoria/Tasmania
306 Western Australia
351 North Island
352 South Island


ID Market
402 Mexico City and Metropolitan Area
403 Monterrey
404 Guadalajara

Supported Sources

tmr (ticketmaster resale platform)

Supported Locales

We support all languages, without any fallback.

Supported Designated Market Area (DMA)

Designated Market Area (DMA) can be used to segment and target events to a specific audience. Each DMA groups several zipcodes into a specific market segmentation based on population demographics.

200 All of US
212 Abilene - Sweetwater
213 Albany - Schenectady - Troy
214 Albany, GA
215 Albuquerque - Santa Fe
216 Alexandria, LA
217 Alpena
218 Amarillo
219 Anchorage
220 Atlanta
221 Augusta
222 Austin
223 Bakersfield
224 Baltimore
225 Bangor
226 Baton Rouge
227 Beaumont - Port Arthur
228 Bend, OR
229 Billings
230 Biloxi - Gulfport
231 Binghamton
232 Birmingham (Anniston and Tuscaloosa)
233 Bluefield - Beckley - Oak Hill
234 Boise
235 Boston (Manchester)
236 Bowling Green
237 Buffalo
238 Burlington - Plattsburgh
239 Butte - Bozeman
240 Casper - Riverton
241 Cedar Rapids - Waterloo & Dubuque
242 Champaign & Springfield - Decatur
243 Charleston, SC
244 Charleston-Huntington
245 Charlotte
246 Charlottesville
247 Chattanooga
248 Cheyenne - Scottsbluff
249 Chicago
250 Chico - Redding
251 Cincinnati
252 Clarksburg - Weston
253 Cleveland
254 Colorado Springs - Pueblo
255 Columbia - Jefferson City
256 Columbia, SC
257 Columbus - Tupelo - West Point
258 Columbus, GA
259 Columbus, OH
260 Corpus Christi
261 Dallas - Fort Worth
262 Davenport - Rock Island - Moline
263 Dayton
264 Denver
265 Des Moines - Ames
266 Detroit
267 Dothan
268 Duluth - Superior
269 El Paso
270 Elmira
271 Erie
272 Eugene
273 Eureka
274 Evansville
275 Fairbanks
276 Fargo - Valley City
277 Flint - Saginaw - Bay City
278 Florence - Myrtle Beach
279 Fort Myers - Naples
280 Fort Smith - Fayetteville - Springdale - Rogers
281 Fort Wayne
282 Fresno - Visalia
283 Gainesville
284 Glendive
285 Grand Junction - Montrose
286 Grand Rapids - Kalamazoo - Battle Creek
287 Great Falls
288 Green Bay - Appleton
289 Greensboro - High Point - Winston-Salem
290 Greenville - New Bern - Washington
291 Greenville - Spartansburg - Asheville - Anderson
292 Greenwood - Greenville
293 Harlingen - Weslaco - Brownsville - McAllen
294 Harrisburg - Lancaster - Lebanon - York
295 Harrisonburg
296 Hartford & New Haven
297 Hattiesburg - Laurel
298 Helena
299 Honolulu
300 Houston
301 Huntsville - Decatur (Florence)
302 Idaho Falls - Pocatello
303 Indianapolis
304 Jackson, MS
305 Jackson, TN
306 Jacksonville
307 Johnstown - Altoona
308 Jonesboro
309 Joplin - Pittsburg
310 Juneau
311 Kansas City
312 Knoxville
313 La Crosse - Eau Claire
314 Lafayette, IN
315 Lafayette, LA
316 Lake Charles
317 Lansing
318 Laredo
319 Las Vegas
320 Lexington
321 Lima
322 Lincoln & Hastings - Kearney
323 Little Rock - Pine Bluff
324 Los Angeles
325 Louisville
326 Lubbock
327 Macon
328 Madison
329 Mankato
330 Marquette
331 Medford - Klamath Falls
332 Memphis
333 Meridian
334 Miami - Fort Lauderdale
335 Milwaukee
336 Minneapolis - Saint Paul
337 Minot - Bismarck - Dickinson
338 Missoula
339 Mobile - Pensacola (Fort Walton Beach)
340 Monroe - El Dorado
341 Monterey - Salinas
342 Montgomery (Selma)
343 Nashville
344 New Orleans
345 New York
346 Norfolk - Portsmouth - Newport News
347 North Platte
348 Odessa - Midland
349 Oklahoma City
350 Omaha
351 Orlando - Daytona Beach - Melbourne
352 Ottumwa - Kirksville
353 Paducah - Cape Girardeau - Harrisburg - Mt Vernon
354 Palm Springs
355 Panama City
356 Parkersburg
357 Peoria - Bloomington
358 Philadelphia
359 Phoenix
360 Pittsburgh
361 Portland - Auburn
362 Portland, OR
363 Presque Isle
364 Providence - New Bedford
365 Quincy - Hannibal - Keokuk
366 Raleigh - Durham (Fayetteville)
367 Rapid City
368 Reno
369 Richmond - Petersburg
370 Roanoke - Lynchburg
371 Rochester - Mason City - Austin
372 Rochester, NY
373 Rockford
374 Sacramento - Stockton - Modesto
375 Saint Joseph
376 Saint Louis
377 Salisbury
378 Salt Lake City
379 San Angelo
380 San Antonio
381 San Diego
382 San Francisco - Oakland - San Jose
383 Santa Barbara - Santa Maria - San Luis Obispo
384 Savannah
385 Seattle - Tacoma
386 Sherman - Ada
387 Shreveport
388 Sioux City
389 Sioux Falls (Mitchell)
390 South Bend - Elkhart
391 Spokane
392 Springfield - Holyoke
393 Springfield, MO
394 Syracuse
395 Tallahassee - Thomasville
396 Tampa - Saint Petersburg (Sarasota)
397 Terre Haute
398 Toledo
399 Topeka
400 Traverse City - Cadillac
401 Tri-Cities, TN-VA
402 Tucson (Sierra Vista)
403 Tulsa
404 Twin Falls
405 Tyler - Longview (Lufkin & Nacogdoches)
406 Utica
407 Victoria
408 Waco - Temple - Bryan
409 Washington DC (Hagerstown)
410 Watertown
411 Wausau - Rhinelander
412 West Palm Beach - Fort Pierce
413 Wheeling - Steubenville
414 Wichita - Hutchinson
415 Wichita Falls & Lawton
416 Wilkes Barre - Scranton
417 Wilmington
418 Yakima - Pasco - Richland - Kennewick
419 Youngstown
420 Yuma - El Centro
421 Zanesville
422 Northern New Jersey
500 All of Canada
501 Barrie-Orillia
502 Belleville-Peterborough
503 Owen Sound
504 Burnaby-New Westminster-Surrey
505 Calgary-Banff
506 Edmonton
507 Fraser Valley
508 Hamilton-Niagara
509 Kitchener-Waterloo
510 London-Sarnia
511 Mississauga-Oakville
512 Newfoundland
513 NWT
514 New Brunswick
515 Northern Ontario
516 Nova Scotia
517 Nunavit
518 Okanagan-Kootenays
519 Ottawa-Gatineau
520 PEI
521 Prince George-North
522 Montreal and Surrounding Area
523 Red Deer
524 Saskatchewan
527 Toronto
528 Vancouver
529 Sunshine Coast-Islands
530 Winnipeg-Brandon
531 Yukon
601 All of United Kingdom
602 London
603 South
604 Midlands and Central
605 Wales and North West
606 North and North East
607 Scotland
608 All of Ireland
609 Northern Ireland
610 Germany
611 Netherlands
612 Sweden
613 Turkey
701 All of Australia
702 New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory
703 Queensland
704 Western Australia
705 Victoria/Tasmania
750 All of New Zealand
751 North Island
752 South Island
801 All of Mexico
802 Mexico City and Metropolitan Area
803 Monterrey
804 Guadalajara
901 All of Spain
902 Barcelona
903 Madrid