TM+ Resale Dynamic Pricing

This document provides partners to ability to find and reserve Resale Tickets using the Top Picks API and Partner API.


Resale listings are dynamically priced, where it can be marked up or down based on business objectives (demands, etc.). The goal is to get consistent price experience for resale purchase starting from choosing offers from TOPPICKS and reserving it via PARTNERAPI.

Top Picks API Resale Information

Top Picks API now returns a FanSession. FanSession contains information about partner’s session that contains session id, session start and expire time.

Note : This feature is applicable for all partners who are allowed to transact on Resale Inventory

Once a fan session is created the partner can use the header X-TM-SESSION-SID to maintain the price during the transaction process.

  • If the header is NOT specified, then a new FanSession will be created and return to them.
  • If the header is specified and it has NOT expired, then we will return the FanSession associated with the X-TM-SESSION-SID.
  • If the header is specified and it has expired, then a new FanSession will be created with that ID and return to them along with this message: SESSION_HAS_EXPIRED_PRICE_MIGHT_HAVE_CHANGED

FanSession Response structure:

  • ` fanSession ` (object) - Fansession Object.
    • ` resaleSid ` (object) - Resale SessionId Object.
      • sessionId (string) - Session ID
      • sessionStartTime (string) - Start time of valid session
      • sessionExpireTime (string) - Expiry time of session id

Request Response
Status 200
"fanSession" : {
    "resaleSid" : {
      "sessionId" : "cd6d82a9-3036-4e13-957d-853360b10d94",
      "sessionStartTime" : 1571943875501,
      "sessionExpireTime" : 1571947475501
  "page" : {
    "number" : 1,
    "size" : 28,
    "totalElements" : 28,
    "totalPages" : 1
  "picks" : [ {
    "type" : "general-seating",
    "quality" : 1.0,
    "section" : "GAPIT1",
    "selection" : "standard",
    "snapshotImageUrl" : "",
    "area" : {
      "id" : "14",
      "name" : "GA",
      "description" : "GENERAL ADMISSION STANDING"
    "offers" : [ "GJ6DC7BT" ]
    "type" : "seats",
    "quality" : 0.8898,
    "section" : "9",
    "selection" : "standard",
    "row" : "1",
    "snapshotImageUrl" : "",
    "area" : {
      "id" : "13",
      "name" : "FLOOR",
      "description" : "Floor Seating"
    "offers" : [ "GJ6DC7BU" ],
    "seats" : [ "1", "2" ],
    "coordinates" : [ {
      "x" : 531.29,
      "y" : 408.52
    }, {
      "x" : 531.29,
      "y" : 409.72
    } ]
  }, {
    "type" : "seats",
    "quality" : 0.860069,
    "section" : "115C",
    "selection" : "standard",
    "row" : "4",
    "snapshotImageUrl" : "",
    "area" : {
      "id" : "0",
      "name" : "CON1",
      "description" : "Concourse 1"
    "offers" : [ "GJ6DC7BU" ],
    "seats" : [ "1", "2" ],
    "coordinates" : [ {
      "x" : 555.74,
      "y" : 273.65
    }, {
      "x" : 556.93,
      "y" : 273.78
    } ]
    "type" : "seats",
    "quality" : 0.47891,
    "section" : "328",
    "selection" : "standard",
    "row" : "6",
    "snapshotImageUrl" : "",
    "area" : {
      "id" : "2",
      "name" : "CON3",
      "description" : "Concourse 3"
    "offers" : [ "GJ6DC7BZ" ],
    "seats" : [ "15", "16" ],
    "coordinates" : [ {
      "x" : 874.34,
      "y" : 477.13
    }, {
      "x" : 873.93,
      "y" : 478.68
    } ]
  } ],
  "_embedded" : {
    "offer" : [ {
      "offerId" : "GJ6DC7BT",
      "name" : "Standard Ticket",
      "ticketTypeId" : "000000000001",
      "priceLevelId" : "3",
      "description" : "Standard Ticket",
      "currency" : "USD",
      "faceValue" : 285.0,
      "totalPrice" : 285.0,
      "charges" : [ {
        "reason" : "order_processing",
        "type" : "fee",
        "amount" : 0.0,
        "fee_type" : "PER ORDER"
      } ],
      "limit" : {
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : 50
      "promotions" : [ ]
    }, {
      "offerId" : "GJ6DC7BZ",
      "name" : "Standard Ticket",
      "ticketTypeId" : "000000000001",
      "priceLevelId" : "9",
      "description" : "Standard Ticket",
      "currency" : "USD",
      "faceValue" : 50.5,
      "totalPrice" : 66.3,
      "charges" : [ {
        "reason" : "service",
        "type" : "fee",
        "amount" : 15.8,
        "fee_type" : "PER TICKET"
      }, {
        "reason" : "order_processing",
        "type" : "fee",
        "amount" : 0.0,
        "fee_type" : "PER ORDER"
      } ],
      "limit" : {
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : 50
      "promotions" : [ ]
    } ]
  "eventDetails" : {
    "id" : "2000527EE48A9334",
    "venueMapUrl" : "",
    "venueMapWithLabelsUrl" : ""

Partner API Resale Reserve

To reserves RESALE tickets, partner needs to send session id from FanSession information that they get from TOPPICKS to PARTNERAPI. The session ID should be sent via header in X-TM-SESSION-SID. This will ensure the price stability.


curl -X POST \
'' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-TM-SESSION-SID: ...' \
-d '{"reserve": {"tickets": [{"id": "resale-listingVer-00000004a254d5d5:product-product-0000000002208054:product-variant-000000033b205305:20005676DCC39B71","quantity": 2}]}}'