TradeDesk API


Welcome to the Ticketmaster Resale TradeDesk API documentation, in referring to TradeDesk API this documentation will use TDAPI for the sake of brevity. TDAPI gives our professional reseller community the ability to access and manage their inventory and orders within the Ticketmaster Resale ecosystem of products, including TradeDesk and TradeDesk POS.

TDAPI Services

  • Retreiving event information and adding umapped events
  • Managing your inventory (pricing, barcoding, transfering, syncing, etc.)
  • Fulfilling or rejecting orders placed on your inventory

Endpoints (Base Paths):

  1. Production:
  2. Preview:

[THIS SECTION SHOULD BE REMOVED]Environment select dependent elements usage example:

Document Links:

  • Production
  • Preview

Some text … Production data Preview data … text continues

data-show-for-production-env and data-show-for-preview-env attributes can be used on any elements which are needed to be shown only for production or preview values


TDAPI uses OAuth 2.0 for authorization and authentication. There are many articles online explaining OAuth 2.0 in detail, if interested a good place to start is Google’s Apigee documentation, which includes videos, eBooks and an explanation of how it works in Apigee. TDAPI follows Apigee’s approach and uses the authorization code grant type.

Obtaining an access-token:

In order to obtain an access-token, you will need to first retrieve your Consumer Key from the Ticketmaster Developer Portal>My Apps section. Once there expand the app created by the Ticketmaster Resale Partner Services team and copy the Consumer Key from that page. Now that you have your Consumer Key, you can generate an access_token and a refresh_token using TDAPI. To generate these tokens you will need either your TradeDesk One or TradeDesk POS sign-in credentials (username and password). NOTE: access_tokens currently have a lifespan of 9 hours and can be refreshed using your refresh_token which will be covered in the next section.

  1. Navigate to the following URL and append your Consumer Key to the client_id querystring parameter{Your Consumer Key}
  2. Sign in with either your TM1 or TDPOS credentials.
  3. After a successful sign in you will receive your access_token and refresh_token. Note: Keep these tokens in a safe place as you would any other secure key.

Refresh your access_token using your refresh_token:

In order to refresh your access_token when it expires or is no longer valid, you will need to perform a POST to the {BaseURL}/token endpoint with a x-www-form-urlencoded body that contains the following 3 form parameters:

  1. grant_type = refresh_token
  2. refresh_token = {refresh-token value obtained on original login}
  3. client_id = {the Consumer Key used to obtain the initial refresh_token}

The response will contain your new access_token to be used until it expires.

Revoking access_tokens or refresh_tokens can be done by sending a DELETE call to the token endpoint with header parameter “token” containing either the refresh_token or access_token you wish to revoke. NOTE: This action will revoke both the refresh_token and access_token associated with each other and cannot be undone.

Rate limiting / throttling

We allow you to make up to 500 requests to our API in a one-minute period. This should allow you enough bandwidth to perform integrations without placing an unnecessarily large burden on the Ticketmaster Resale servers and systems. If you exceed this limit, your requests will be denied with a 429 (TOO MANY REQUESTS) response until the one minute window elapses and you are allowed to make requests again. If you exceed this limit by a huge margin (i.e. our system detects that you are abusing the API), your access to the API may be revoked. We encourage you to correctly handle a 429 response code to avoid your integration being flagged for abuse.

Date / time formatting

The API returns dates in ISO-8601 format. This means they are formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+/-hh:mm where the T in the middle is just a separator between the date and time. A time zone offset of “+hh:mm” indicates that the date/time uses a local time zone which is “hh” hours and “mm” minutes ahead of UTC. A time zone offset of “-hh:mm” indicates that the date/time uses a local time zone which is “hh” hours and “mm” minutes behind UTC.


By default, lists of resources are returned in blocks of 100-200 records at a time. Depending on the structure of your data, it’s possible that the API may not be able to return the number of resources requested before a HTTP 504 (Gateway Timeout) happens. You can control the page size for a GET request with the pagesize query parameter, e.g: If you notice that 504s are coming back, you should reduce the limit until you start getting 200s. A sensible strategy for this is to iteratively halve the page size until you stop getting 504s.

We may add to the API at any time

We reserve the right to make additions to the API without notification or altering the base version number of the API. This means we will not alter the behaviour of existing fields without warning, but will add new fields and / or resources to support new functionality as it is implemented elsewhere in Tradedesk or TradeDesk POS. From a practical perspective, this simply means that you should not build integrations that assume that the set of available fields will not grow (although you can of course build an integration that assumes that the set of available fields will not shrink).